
Metroid Prime Hunters Wii U

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Contents StoryThis game's events follow those of.Beyond the bounds of the 's controlled universe lies the Tetra Galaxy, where the now-extinct once ruled. The region under the Alimbics' reign was and is still known as the. The Alimbics ruled with much force, but were also efficacious in their decisions. One day, however, all of the Alimbics suddenly disappeared without any warning or explanation, leaving behind many relics and ancient, valuable objects, some of which are quite powerful.Now something in the Alimbic Cluster is eerily communicating with powerful bounty hunters and other intelligent animals, telepathically uploading a message.

Mar 20, 2006  Based on the stunning 3D revision of the Metroid series by Retro Studios, Hunters features first-person action controlled largely with the DS.

'The secret to ultimate power resides in the Alimbic Cluster' is the sentence that played back mysteriously in the minds of hunters, and the feared. The message is in various dialects, languages, and even slangs, but it always boils down to the above sentence. This simple message tempted many to make their way to the Alimbic Cluster, frantically and violently, to reach their own goal of obtaining an unknown source of ultimate power. Some want power for their own doings, others seek it for a more noble cause like saving their people. But it seems that all of them are willing to take each other out to gain this mysterious power. The sends a, asking her to discover more about this mysterious message. Her mission: 'Discover the truth about this mysterious message, to protect against a potential threat, and to keep the Alimbics' ultimate power from falling into the wrong hands.'

Samus arrives at the, a space station that holds a wealth of information regarding the Alimbics, most of it lost due to age and lack of upkeep. Samus first encounters here and fights him for one of the artifacts that will allow her to reach one of the guardian chambers.After collecting the first three artifacts, she encounters her first in the game, a bio-weapon named which resembles a totem pole with multiple cannons running down the shaft.

After defeating it, she receives her first, a key to the 'Ultimate Power.' A timer kicks on and Samus is forced to backtrack through the entire station to her ship.After escaping, her ship scans the and allows her to explore three more worlds:, the homeworld of the Alimbics, a remote defense and weaponry station, and, a frozen world. On each world there are two Octoliths and at least one 'Affinity Weapon.' Samus must find these weapons in order to open some special doors, which will allow her to find more Artifacts. For every Octolith, there are three keys to be found.During her journey, she finds more information regarding the long lost Alimbics and their history, recorded mostly through things called, which are visible only through the.Once she has collected all of the Octoliths, she must return to Alinos to activate the, which allows access to the. This structure holds the long-dormant and extremely dangerous hinted at throughout past logbook entries. When she gets to the Oubliette, she sees all of the Hunters firing their signature weapon at Gorea, only to be defeated and have their special abilities absorbed by the creature.

Gorea then attacks Samus. Once defeated, it will enter a second form if Samus has shot the on the walls in the proper order with the correct weapons. If not, the station blows up before any of the Hunters, Samus included, have a chance to escape.If she does activate the nodes, then a second battle with Gorea takes place in the Oubliette's main room, where Samus finds the only weapon capable of harming Gorea, the. Upon defeating Gorea, the Oubliette begins to fall apart in a series of explosions. Samus and the other hunters are believed to have escaped the destruction of the Oubliette.

After the final explosion, Samus, in her Zero Suit, is seen floating in a vision, encountering 3 Alimbic beings that present her with a wave of gratitude. When this vision is over, Samus is returned to her Gunship in her Varia Suit. The game concludes with Samus's Gunship flying off into space.The events of follow.CharactersSamus and the other six. The player controls Samus, the Galactic Federation's most valued bounty hunter, who has proved herself in various missions. A bounty hunter on the hunt for this mysterious power so that he may use it in his fight against wrong-doers and crime. He has walked a very virtuous path.

The player encounters Noxus locked in an epic battle against Trace, on Arcterra. The one remaining, who hunts the ultimate power so that he may discover more information about the fate or location of the rest of the Diamont people. Spire attacks the player in a courtyard on Alinos.

An experiment for the most powerful super-soldier gone horribly wrong. He wants this power solely so that he can continue hunting and become more powerful. Kanden is pursued by the player onto another floor, where the fight begins.

A deadly and powerful bounty hunter who hates, and constantly attacks, the Galactic Federation, and is also a rival of Samus by association and has been tracking her for some time. His deadly heals himself, making him very assassin-like. Samus fights Sylux in the VDO, and he also calls in his ship, the Delano 7.

A swift, relentless bounty hunter from the race, Trace is currently on a rite of passage and is searching the galaxy for new planets for his people to invade and conquer. He is very feared and has deadly accuracy. He hopes the Ultimate Power will further empower him and the. Trace is seen fighting Noxus on Arcterra, but goes missing.

He reappears again later, sniping and shooting a Guardian when Samus tries to leave with the Octolith. The Space Pirate bounty hunter was badly damaged by Samus, and his shattered body is now supported by a cybernetic life-support suit. His can serve as very good defense. He wants the Ultimate power to get revenge on Samus. Weavel tries to stop Samus from leaving Alinos with an Octolith.Development, designer and writer for Metroid Prime Hunters.Metroid Prime Hunters was developed by 's Redmond-based subsidiary Nintendo Software Technology (NST).

It was led by the game's director, and the lead technical engineer,. The team for Hunters was composed of thirty people, which Abe noted was larger than the development team of most other games for the Nintendo DS. Producer came up with the original idea for the game., which developed the mainline Prime games, was unable to develop Metroid Prime Hunters because it was already working on. Therefore, Tanabe contacted NST with the idea, and let them develop it instead. NST developed the game instead of Nintendo themselves because they wanted the division to influence Hunters with Western ideals, styles, and presentation.While developing the game, most of NST's efforts were focused on its multiplayer aspect because of its first-person shooter gameplay, and to take advantage of the Wi-Fi and voice chat capabilities of the Nintendo DS. One of the game's designers, noted that 'the hardware kinda dictated their focus onto the game's multiplayer mode.'

This requires some luck with the game 'working with you', but you can also discard unwanted jewels into the empty spaces in the middle sides that you created earlier to set up the pairs in each column.Then you have to bring the 4 jewels down such that you make the M4 over the single spot at the bottom to get the wheel to drop into that space and ring the left bell. Jewel quest seven seas tips list. Setting up a wheel for ringing the right bell is considerably easier, so if the jewels aren't quite cooperating with you at the moment, try making a wheel to line up with the right bell so when you ring that one, it clears out any pesky jewels in the way for setting up the harder left bell M4. The trick here is to pay attention to what's in the 2 columns feeding jewels into the bottom center. You have to get it so there's a pair of the same color on both columns with nothing else in between (or else if they are diamonds, to be able to dump the diamonds into the drop spots to remove them). The only spot which is really accessible for ringing the left bell is the single space at the very bottom.

Wanting to introduce a new element to the Metroid series, Abe created several new after he realized that the game's multiplayer mode and the new bounty hunters could both be implemented seamlessly into the game: 'We had this idea early on and thought that would be a good way to introduce Hunters and the new bounty hunters to the gameplay and take advantage of that in the multiplayer.' Metroid Prime Hunters includes several references to previous games in the Metroid Prime series: is from, while her is from. The developers decided to add them because they wanted to show that the technology has evolved, and they also wanted to include something that was instantly recognizable to those who had played previous games in the series.The game was first revealed at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) convention in 2004. An early demo, titled, was included as a pack-in game with the when it launched in 2004. After the demo was released, the game's controls shifted from a control stick method to stylus aiming. When Nintendo received negative feedback at E3 2005 about the game's lack of an online feature, the company announced in August 2005 that the game's release would be delayed to give the developers time to implement Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection support. After the game's release was delayed to give NST time to implement the multiplayer feature, the developers took the time to make more changes.

The game's framerate was reduced to make the graphics move more smoothly. The game's visuals were improved; a developer added reflections to the — other developers admired the effect, and added it to other parts of the game. NST collaborated with Retro Studios to design the game's art and characters to make sure that they fit into the overall Metroid series. When asked why Metroid Prime Hunters was placed between Prime and Echoes chronologically, Reed noted that the game was not influenced by the story of either game, so there were no continuity issues. He described Hunters as a side story to the Metroid Prime series.Through a partnership between and, British players could partake in a Hunt Is On Tournament on Saturday, May 20, 2006 in Birmingham, London, Edinburgh and Manchester in the United Kingdom.

The prize was an all expenses paid trip to Seattle to meet the developers of Hunters at. GameplayMetroid Prime Hunters plays similarly to the past Metroid Prime games in that it also focuses on exploration and upgrading abilities, but also has a stronger focus on shooting. The major upgrades Samus can get in single player are all weaponry, most already wielded by the other Hunters. In multiplayer, these weapons serve some traditional purposes similar to the weapon selections of other FPS titles; in single player, they are more often used to solve puzzles as find the weakness of various beasts that the player has to eliminate.Metroid Prime Hunters is the first game in the to feature in-game uses of Samus's gunship besides saving and restoration purposes, which is later expanded on in. The game was also the first to have Samus explore multiple territories across the reaches of space, and it introduced sub-weapons to the Metroid series.Metroid Prime Hunters is the second game in the Metroid series to have multiplayer and the first to ever have online multiplayer.

In multiplayer, the player can choose between all of the Hunters seen in single player, though most are locked until that particular Hunter is defeated in a multiplayer match or single player for the first time.Metroid Prime Hunters is also somewhat more simplistic and linear than the main Prime games. Samus only has two visors, the and the, and there are no suit upgrades other than, and the weapons of the other Hunters. As the gameplay requires using the touchscreen to aim and the L or R-trigger to shoot, the controls are more akin to a PC FPS rather than the old Metroid Prime control scheme.MultiplayerIn, there are twenty-six maps that can be played, most of them based on areas of the single player game. There are several game types, including the typical death-match mode, dubbed ', a Capture the Flag style game aptly named ', two King of the Hill type modes called ' and ', and a mode with limited lives available called '. There is also ', where all the players are hunting after a single Octolith, and ', a Juggernaut-styled game mode.

Multiplayer is limited to two to four players. Two teams of two can fight each other in most game types, or there can be a two on one handicap game. Not all maps are available for every game type and some become slightly altered depending on which mode is played. Multiplayer mode can also be played single-player by adding bots (AI-controlled opponents). Multiplayer is only possible locally since the shutdown of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service. The multiplayer mode is absent in the Wii U Virtual Console version of the game.All of the Hunters seen in single player are playable in multiplayer, and each gains special attributes for their - for example: Samus's have a homing ability while the other Hunters' do not; Sylux's restores the user's health, etc.AreasCut gameplay.Bosses.Creatures See also:The creatures in Metroid Prime Hunters are a mix of traditional Metroid and Metroid Prime enemies, like the and a more challenging variety of new enemies like the.

Strangely, there are no in the game; instead, there are creatures known as, which, while similar in appearance and attack, are not genetically related. On closer inspection, one will notice that there are only a select few types of creatures, and most of the creatures that appear in different environments are variants of others. There is an obvious recurring theme of interstellar creatures such as and who are able to migrate from planet to planet and even inhabit artificial space stations.

Most creatures in the, both biological and artificial, are not native to their current environments; they are mainly migratory entities who stowed away on space vessels which later visited these places.Trivia. Hunters is the first Metroid game to use pre-rendered CG cutscenes; is the second. These cutscenes were designed by Silver Ant, a Malaysian CGI studio that was paid large sums of money by NST.