

Health Care Professional. Request access to manage the accounts of patients under your care, and to order for them. Request Access. Detailed information about Edgepark Medical Supplies, a medical retail store of Rgh Enterprises Inc located at 1810 Summit Commerce Park Twinsburg, OH.

I am a diabetic and was receiving my diabetic supplies from my local pharmacy. My insurance stated they would no longer process my prescription refills UNLESS I used Edgepark Durable medical equipment to refill my prescriptions. I began the order process on 1/13/2020 order number., upon their order process you must give a credit card over the phone to begin order fulfillment. Upon several phone calls to Edgepark and to my Doctor's office I was being told by Edgepark my physician's office was not complying. I called my physician's office and they gave time, dates, fax numbers as to where they were faxing. Edgepark continued to tell me they were not receiving the information and cancelled my order. I in the mean time have been paying for my diabetic materials out of pocket.

I have been in constant contact and Edgepark and made no attempt other than fax. I called my insurance and had an hour and a half conversation waiting on hold for Edgepark to sort this out. At the end of the phone call we spoke to a nurse at my doctor's office (Essentia health) and she was faxing over the information AGAIN. Edgepark stated they would mail out my diabetic supplies that day. After not receiving it, calling several times I was told this is my fault and to contact my insurance again. This is a nightmare. I need my diabetic supplies and Edgepark is holding up the process.

My newest order number is. dated 3/2/2020. Now Edgepark is saying they never received a prescription for the Libre sensor refills. My doctors office stated they sent this repeatedly. After review of the informationreceived on 3/26/2020, Edgepark has identify an opportunity for improved orderprocessing, as completed documentation was received from the physician on 2/19/2020.The order continued to process and was cancelled on 3/27/2020 in error. Thisinformation was forwarded to the appropriate supervisor for review andcoaching.

At this time, the customer is eligible to receive supplies throughEdgepark and her order has been replaced. The order was shipped to the customeron 4/2/2020.Thankyou for bringing to our attention the concerns expressed in the complaint filed.We have researched the complaint and apologize for any inconvenience.Sincerely,The Edgepark Customer Advocacy Team.

My disabled daughter requires certain medical supplies that are a necessity and are fulfilled through Edgepark Medical Supplies. The hospital (Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, OH) set us up with Edgepark Medical Supplies in March of 2019. One of the supplies that my daughter requires is a Kangaroo Enteral Feeding bags. These bags are a necessity. From March 2019-December 2019, I received the bags sporadically. Typically I would have to call customer service at Edgepark to get the shipment going.

Since December, we have not received another order of the Enteral Feeding bags after a number of phone calls to Edgepark regarding this issue. Each time I called they would say they were waiting on insurance and that it was taken care of.

Most recently, in March, after 3 months of not receiving bags, I called again. IT was at that time they told me that insurance was the issue because they wouldn't send a denial form. However, I have contacted insurance and they have sent myself a copy of the denial, yet edgepark continues to say there hasn't been a denial and will not send it to our secondary insurance (Medicaid) for approval. Each time I call edgepark they say the issue is resolved however it is not.

I spent HOURS and HOURS on the phone with them being transferred back and forth to different people who can't resolve the situation. I PAY for insurance and I also pay for my chlid's medicaid (we are over income) and I am not able to utilize them due to Edgeparks lack of competency. I have also been told that after they submit the order to my insurance, if it is not taken care of within three times, they cancel the order. Yesterday, I was told by 'Megan' that this is what had happened.

Insurance supposedly had not responded to Edgepark therefore they canceled my daughters orders. Not once was I notified about my daughters medical supply order had been canceled. Edgepark is a medical supply company and many of the supplies that they provide their customers with are a VITAL NECESSITY!!!!

Some of these materials are a matter of LIFE AND DEATH. Since I have been waiting on additional supplies since December, my daughter has had to use a enteral feeding bag for 3 months which is a breeding ground for bacteria which could potentially harm my medically fragile child!

The customer service is a joke and most of all their negligence is dangerous to people. Inresponse to the information received on 3/11/20, Edgepark has contacted thecustomer to review her account and address her concerns. She has been provideda direct contact to use for any future questions or concerns.Edgeparktakes all feedback seriously and this information was logged in our files fortracking purposes. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you forallowing us the opportunity to research and resolve the customer’s concerns.Sincerely,TheEdgepark Customer Advocacy Team.

My son is a tyoe 1 diabetic, and I was convinced by Edgepark that it would be beneficial for me to order my continuous glucose monitor supplies through them. They ran my BCBS insurance and came back with a rate of $144.22 for 90days worth of supplies. I verified this price with them multiple times and they said I had 30 days to return the items if the insurance did not cover my son's supplies and a different amount would be owed (the insurance claims process usually takes about 30 days)/ The order was shipped out on 1/31/20 and I kept everything sealed in the shipping box in case I had to return. Today I received and email from Edgepark stating that I suddenly owe them $1,630.08 for the order! They had already charged my credit card $144.22 back on 1/31/20, and as of TODAY the order total on my customer portal is still $144.22! When I called them to state that this is very unfair business practice since the customer has no way to meet their 30 day return window when the insurance billing comes in outside that window, they refused to allow me to return the brand new items since it is 10 days late. Dear BBB,In response to the information received on3/9/20, contact was made by our Customer Advocacy Team.In order to protect the privacy of ourcustomers, details were provided to them directly by phone on 3/18/20 and theaccount was adjusted.We take all feedback seriously and thisinformation was logged in our files for tracking purposes.

We apologize for theinconvenience and thank you for allowing us the opportunity to research andresolve the customer’s concern. Please consider this matter closed.Sincerely,TheEdgepark Customer Advocacy Team. Dear BBB,In response to the information received on3/9/20, contact was made by our Customer Advocacy Team on 3/24/20. The return itemhas been received and processed.

The account has been adjusted accordingly.We take all feedback seriously and thisinformation was logged in our files for tracking purposes. We apologize for theinconvenience and thank you for allowing us the opportunity to research andresolve the customer’s concern. Please consider this matter closed.Sincerely,TheEdgepark Customer Advocacy Team. I'm a type 1 diabetic and rely on my insulin pump supplies from Edgepark. I am unable to order form any other company because this is the only company that services my area that accepts my insurance.

I ordered new supplies back in mid-November 2019 and supplied them with all the information for the order. My doctor supplied them with all the information they requested 3 times between December 1 and December 17, 2019. I called to follow-up on the order multiple times before the end of the year to make sure it would be processed before the New Year. I was told each time that they have everything and would make it so. However, they didn't and I'm still waiting for supplies. Its been over 3 months, and I have a couple weeks left of supplies. Last year they were only going to charge me about $400 because I met my OOP for the year.

But because of their screwup, horrible customer service, and inability to do what they committed to they are wanting to charge me now close to $2000. I am a type 1 diabetic and rely on my Dexcom G6 monitor to regulate my glucose through communication with my insulin pump. I was supposed to receive a new transmitter in February, and I thought I had confirmed the order as well as given all the necessary information to ship my order through calling the order telephone line twice in February (after missing a call, I called back and was asked to confirm information). It was originally supposed to be shipped at the beginning of February. February 25th came around and I was notified that I needed to confirm financial information for the order.

After confirming that information that I thought they already had (given my Feb 5th and Feb 11th phone calls with them) it was held up even longer because they needed confirmation from my physician. When speaking to a representative, they said that they had tried to contact my physician through email, fax, and phone but had not been able to contact them. When I called my physician, they picked up almost instantly.

At this point, I have been without a glucose monitor for 2 weeks (which is life threatening) and I will not receive the transmitter (although they say it has been shipped) for another week because I will be away from my mailing address. My issue is with the reasons this order was held up–– I believed I had given the necessary information and had been in contact with Edgepark two consecutive weeks in February, so why did it take until the 25th to ask for my payment information (which is the same for all my orders)? That negligence led to further delays in receiving my transmitter because they needed to receive another authorization from my physician. And to add insult to injury, when I spoke to multiple representatives as well as a supervisor, they implied that it was my fault that the order was held up because they 'made multiple failed attempts to contact me' even though I have my phone records that show I was in contact with them. They deny taking any responsibility for their shortcomings in this process, and I have been in medically harmful situations by not having my transmitter (experiencing extreme highs and extreme lows that would have been prevented by my pump-CGM software). Given that they believe they have done nothing wrong, I am at a loss for how to hold Edgepark accountable for their inability to accept responsibility and to get me the medical devices I depend on to live a healthy life.

On1/27/20, Edgepark contacted the customer to confirm a reorder of supplies and advisedthere was an amount due on the order. At that time, the customer asked Edgeparkto hold off on any method of payments until he could confirm some details withhis father. The agent explained that Edgepark would confirm his coverage todetermine the specifics regarding the amount due and would contact him within afew days to set up a method of payment. After review of call records, Edgepark attemptedto contact the customer on 1/29/20, 2/5/20, 2/11/20, 2/18/20, and 2/19/20, butwas unable to reach him; call records also show the customer was reached viaautomated system on 2/5/20 and 2/19/20, but the call was disconnected beforereaching an agent. On 2/25/20, the customer contacted Edgepark regarding theorder status and was advised the order was holding for a method of payment. Updatedpaperwork was also required before the order could ship and this was requestedfrom the office later the same day. On 3/2/20, a second request for paperworkwas sent and Edgepark followed up with the office on 3/3/20.

On 3/4/20, paperworkwas received and the order shipped to the customer the next day.Edgeparktakes all feedback seriously and this information was logged in our files fortracking purposes. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you forallowing us the opportunity to research and resolve the customer’s concerns.Sincerely,The Edgepark CustomerAdvocacy Team. I am trying to get my Dexcom G6 medical supplies ordered and all I get from Edgepark reps is the runaround and lies.

My doctor keeps faxing Edgepark the completed authorization form needed to submit to my insurance. Edgepark keeps rejecting the completed form that the Doctor's office faxes back to them without contacting the doctor or the patient and explaining why it was rejected.This has been going on for almost three weeks and I don't know what else I can do to get this ordered and filled. I am out of Dexcom G6 sensors and Edgepark acts as though they really don't care. My doctor's office went above and beyond with calling Edgepark and faxing repeatedly the form that they claim was either not complete or was missing information.The first time Edgepark rejected the form was because when it got faxed the last zero in the year for the date next to where the doctor signed got cut off. Did Edgepark call the doctor and explain this? Did Edgepark contact me to explain this?

I only found out after calling them several times and having the doctor's office call them several times as well to get the reason why it was rejected. After my doctor refaxed the form, they rejected it again claiming that the patients name was not on the form (Me) which was a complete lie.

I confirmed with the doctor’s office that my name was on the form was in fact on the form and that Edgepark was mistaken.So now my Doctors office faxes the form for a third time and Edgepark rejects it again. This time they claimed that because my doctor wrote in that she is only authorizing for 6 months and not the 12 month’s which was printed on the form that she needed to sign and date it underneath where she wrote authorize for only 6 months. When I contacted the doctor’s office again regarding why Edgepark rejected the form for a third time they confirmed that she did in fact sign and date it under where the doctor wrote in authorize for only 6 months. My doctor’s office even said that Edgepark was lying. Dear BBB,Inresponse to the information received on 2/25/20, Edgepark has located anopportunity for improved order processing, as Edgepark was not contacting thecustomer’s physician’s office directly to provide guidance on updating thepaperwork needed for the customer’s order. On 2/18/20, Edgepark received bothwritten orders; however, they were not usable for billing purposes.

On 2/24/20,Edgepark received updated written orders.Atthis time, all documentation has been received and Edgepark is in the processof obtaining approval for the customer’s order. Once this approval has beenreceived, the order will ship to the customer.Thank you for bringing to our attentionthe concerns expressed in the complaint filed. We have researched the complaintand apologize for any inconvenience.Sincerely,The Edgepark Customer Advocacy Team Tell us why here. I have ordered my medical supplies over a month ago. Edgepark said they need some information from my doctor before they send it. They said they would send the doctor a request for the information.

I also told the doctor about it. The doctor's office said they never got a request. I contacted Edgepark and found that they were sending the request to the wrong fax number so I gave them the correct number. My doctor's office still did not get a request for the information. The doctor then called Edgepark and found they were still using the incorrect fax number and corrected them. The doctor's office sent the information needed without receiving a request, but Edgepark is still saying they haven't recieved it.

I am now out of medical supplies and having to get it from a representative of the maker of the medical supplies I use. Several people at my doctor's office said this is a regular issue with Edgepark. I need my supplies and I'm hoping reporting them will help. Inresponse to the information received on 2/21/20, Edgepark has located anopportunity for improved order processing, as Edgepark had the wrong contactinformation on file for the office that would complete the required documentationfor the customer’s order. On 1/23/20, the updated fax number was obtained, butwas not used to request documentation until a later date.

This has beenforwarded to the appropriate department for review and coaching.Atthis time, all documentation has been received and Edgepark is in the processof obtaining approval for the customer’s order. Once this approval has been received,the order will ship to the customer.Edgeparktakes all feedback seriously and this information was logged in our files fortracking purposes.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you forallowing us the opportunity to research and resolve the customer’s concerns.Sincerely,The Edgepark CustomerAdvocacy Team. I ordered a blood pressure monitor around May of 2019. I was told by the phone representative that there would be no charge since my insurance covered it completely. I did mention that I did not want any surprise bills at which point I was reassuredthat I would not have to worry.

I have now received a bill almost a year later for $63.75 which is not fair. I would never have ordered this item if it were not completely covered. I trusted the information provided to me by the company. I tried several times to get this resolved and nobody would help and they virtually pushed me away with no care saying that everyone knows it's just an estimate provided. If it were an estimate then I should be told so. I have been treated very unfairly.

I lost my job and then this bill comes in. I really would like someone to please care and be understanding and resolve this issue. Dear Sir/Madam:My daughter is a 10 year old child who is Type1 diabetic, an insuline dependent. She uses Umnipod pods to administer her daily use of insuline. She is prescribed a 90-day supply of omnipod pods.

Due to the 3-day life of each pod, the supply is strictry for 30 pods which can never last more than 90 days. The last order was scheduled to be shipped on February 8, 2020. More than two weeks prior to the day of the shipment, I called Edgepark customer service several times to make sure that nothing was needed and the order was going to be shipped in time. Each time spoke to different customer service and each time I was assured that the shipment was ready and nothing was needed.

As of today, February 17, 2020, we have not received my daughter's supplies. I called Edgepark on Saturday, but unfortunately they were closed.

Today I spoke with a customer service representative who told me that the order was in their warehouse and ready to be shipped. I spoke with a supervisor, Krystal (i believe was her name) who told me that the order was due to a delay of a pre-authorization from the insurnace which they requested on February 11, 2020.

Even though I have called numerous times to make sure that nothing was needed, noone ever told me about the outstadning pre-authorization or even bothered to call me to notify me of the issue so I can assist and get the pre-authroization from the insurance companies. Additionally, the request for the pre-authorization was done by Edgepark after the shippment was due and not prior to the shippment due date. I requested that Edgepark send me at least two pods overnight since my daughter's life depends on these until I receive the shipment.

I was told it was not their policy to provide us with pods, even though they completely messed up the order. I asked te supervisor for the reason of the delay and why Edgepark could not request the pre-authroization prior to the due date and all she could tell me was that they do not have a system yet where they can do that. Edgepark will update the system sometimes at the end of the year-she told me.

Edgepark, knowing that the life of people, my daughter in this case is dependent on these supplies, negligently, and recklessly disregard of my daughter's life decided not to prepare my order until post the shipment date. Further, knowing that my daughter has been out of the omnipod pods because of their reckless disregard, Edgepark refused to send me any pods to have until the shipment is received. Finally, knowing that the supplies that Edgepark provides are highly regulated due to the life threatening of the patient if. doesn't receive their shipments, Edgepark refuses to process the orders prior to the shipment date and/or offer patients a simple solution by providing them with an omnipod until the late delivery has been received.

Even though prior deliverues have been delayed beyond the 90-days supply, this last order was the one that I decided I had to do something about. This by far the worst customer service, process, procedure and attitude a company could possibly have for such a highly regulated product. Dear BBB,On 1/29/2020, an order was confirmed for ananticipated processing date of 2/8/2020. On 2/11/2020, a request for approvalwas faxed to the insurance, which was required prior to shipment. On 2/14/2020,Edgepark followed up with the insurance for approval status; however, wasunable to reach an agent at that time. On 2/17/2020, Edgepark received approvalfrom the insurance and the order was shipped this same day.Afterreview of the account, Edgepark has identified an opportunity for improvedagent communication, as the customer was not provided with correct expectationsat the time of order placement, leading to a misunderstanding regarding whatwas required before the order could ship. This information was sent to theagent’s supervisor for review and coaching.

Edgepark’s standardprocessing time is 3-5 business days from the expected processing date, as thisallows Edgepark the opportunity to review the customer’s account and ensure allnecessary information is valid and current; however, additional processing timemay be required if updated documentation or approval is required prior toshipping. The customer’s February order processed appropriately and withinEdgepark’s standard processing time.Thank you for bringing to our attentionthe concerns expressed in the complaint filed. We have researched the complaintand apologize for any inconvenience.Sincerely,The Edgepark Customer Advocacy Team Tell us why here. I am rejecting this response because:First, the business failed to state that my delivery should have been completed on or before February 14,2020. Due to the insuline pumps order being only for 90 days, Edge Park knew and should have known that the order had to be delivered prior to that date. Edgepark, unreasonably and negligently didn’t start the process of obtaining the authorization until the day delivery was due.

Even though I had called numerous times prior to the due date, Edgepark recklessly didn’t notice that an authorization was needed so they could get pre-authorization days prior to the date of delivery becoming due. According to the supervisor from Edgepark, I was advised that Rdgepark does not have the system yet to request pre-authorization docs prior to the delivery 90 day supply becomes due. This is unacceptable as it is reasonably foreseeable that the patient will run out of insuline every time the delivery becomes due. Additionally, my order was not shipped on the 17th even though I was promised it was going to. That was the reason why the supervisor refused to give me an extra pod for my daughter to use it while the order was being shipped she promised that the order was shipped and our conversation was recorded.

I have proof of the delivery which shows that the order was negligently delayed to be shipped until February 20th after I called again on the 19th. Because of Edgepark negligence/reckless disregard and or lack of procedures my daughter’s insuline pumps were delayed by more than a week. As Edgepark is aware any delay of the life depending insuline for type 1 diabetes is life threatening. Therefore, delaying the insuline delivery for a week it is just simply unacceptable.

As a result, it is very critical that Edgepark changes the pre-authorization procedures, train their staff properly in order for the shipment to be shipped on the day due and better customer service. It is as critical that in situations such as mine Edgepark works with patients to resolve the matter such as providing customers extra pods to cover the patients for the period of time while the order is delivered as a result of Edgepark’s negligence. Load MoreBBB Business Profiles may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.BBB Business Profiles are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. BBB asks third parties who publish complaints, reviews and/or responses on this website to affirm that the information provided is accurate.

However, BBB does not verify the accuracy of information provided by third parties, and does not guarantee the accuracy of any information in Business Profiles.When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.BBB Business Profiles generally cover a three-year reporting period. BBB Business Profiles are subject to change at any time. If you choose to do business with this business, please let the business know that you contacted BBB for a BBB Business Profile.As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business.

I am a diabetic and was receiving my diabetic supplies from my local pharmacy. My insurance stated they would no longer process my prescription refills UNLESS I used Edgepark Durable medical equipment to refill my prescriptions. I began the order process on 1/13/2020 order number., upon their order process you must give a credit card over the phone to begin order fulfillment. Upon several phone calls to Edgepark and to my Doctor's office I was being told by Edgepark my physician's office was not complying. I called my physician's office and they gave time, dates, fax numbers as to where they were faxing.

Edgepark continued to tell me they were not receiving the information and cancelled my order. I in the mean time have been paying for my diabetic materials out of pocket. I have been in constant contact and Edgepark and made no attempt other than fax. I called my insurance and had an hour and a half conversation waiting on hold for Edgepark to sort this out.

At the end of the phone call we spoke to a nurse at my doctor's office (Essentia health) and she was faxing over the information AGAIN. Edgepark stated they would mail out my diabetic supplies that day.

After not receiving it, calling several times I was told this is my fault and to contact my insurance again. This is a nightmare. I need my diabetic supplies and Edgepark is holding up the process. My newest order number is.

dated 3/2/2020. Now Edgepark is saying they never received a prescription for the Libre sensor refills. My doctors office stated they sent this repeatedly.

BBB Business Profiles may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.BBB Business Profiles are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. BBB asks third parties who publish complaints, reviews and/or responses on this website to affirm that the information provided is accurate. Runescape 3 money making guide.

However, BBB does not verify the accuracy of information provided by third parties, and does not guarantee the accuracy of any information in Business Profiles.When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.BBB Business Profiles generally cover a three-year reporting period. BBB Business Profiles are subject to change at any time. If you choose to do business with this business, please let the business know that you contacted BBB for a BBB Business Profile.As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business. BBB Business Profiles may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.BBB Business Profiles are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. BBB asks third parties who publish complaints, reviews and/or responses on this website to affirm that the information provided is accurate. However, BBB does not verify the accuracy of information provided by third parties, and does not guarantee the accuracy of any information in Business Profiles.When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.BBB Business Profiles generally cover a three-year reporting period. BBB Business Profiles are subject to change at any time.

If you choose to do business with this business, please let the business know that you contacted BBB for a BBB Business Profile.As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business.