
Ultima Online Guide

The best Ultima Online freeshard, UO Evolution Custom shard has been online over 9 years and is ranked #1 on the top shard lists. Published on Jan 5, 2018 A guide to the town of New Haven in Ultima Online. This guide is meant for new players to Ultima Online or players who have not played since the release of Publish 60.

Welcome Endless Journey Players!This page will help guide you through account creation as well as provide information on the Endless Journey program. Also included is information on navigating the account center and the various account management functions available to players.New to Ultima Online?

Check here!Those who are taking their first steps into the world of Ultima Online, we welcome you! The below section will provide you the initial steps to create an account and get started on your Endless Journey.

This section is intended for those who have never played any BioWare Mythic games and have not registered for an EA Account. Creating an Ultima Online account for the first timeThe very first step to create an Ultima Online account is to create an EA account. Visit the EA account sign-up page to get started:Once you have created your EA account, you will be redirected to the Account Management page. Navigate to the “subscriptions” section to create a new game account:Click on “ULTIMA” to create your Ultima Online Account game account.You have now created your Ultima Online account!

Subscriptions, Activate a Key, Billing, Contact Info, Change Password and Link Accounts are all available to you from the main account management page. Now that your account is created, it is important to take note of the account hierarchy should you need to retrieve your account at any point in the future:. EA ACCOUNT: This is your email address and what is used to log into the account management center.

It contains all linked master accounts and their associated game accounts and contains your billing information. It has its own unique password. MYTHIC MASTER ACCOUNT: This gets linked or unlinked to and from the EA account. It contains any associated game accounts and has its own unique password. GAME ACCOUNT: This is used to log into the UO client and is tied to the master account. It too has its own unique password.

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Please note that adding a gametime code or subscription will effectively end your Endless Journey status!.Returning players, welcome back!How do I access my old account? Login assistance for our returning players.When visiting the Account Management Website- -the first page you see is the Sign In page. Returning players will need to log in using their EA account.Clicking ‘Login with your EA Account’ will redirect you to the EA account sign-in page (below) where you can then input your credentials and be redirected back to the Account Management page. You can also create a new EA account from this same page by clicking ‘Create your EA Account’.I have a Mythic Master Account but not an EA AccountVisiting the Account Management page will now require you to log in using your EA Account.

Clicking the new ‘Login with your EA Account’ option will then redirect you to the EA website to allow you to create a new EA account. Once you have created your EA Account you will be redirected to the Account Management page.

You can then view or link any accounts associated with this email.I have both an EA Account and a Mythic Master AccountYou have both an active EA Account, perhaps from another EA title, as well as an older Ultima Online account you played in the past but the two have not been linked. As it pertains to logging into the account center, remember that your EA Account is your email address and your Mythic Master Account is the account name that you used to log into the Ultima Online game client. As in the previous example, all logins on the Account Center will now funnel through your EA Account. Logging in with your EA Account will redirect you to the subscriptions page where you can then view any accounts linked to the email associated with your EA Account or give you the option to link any unlinked master accounts to your email.I Have an EA Account but not a Mythic Master AccountYou have an EA Account, but have never played Warhammer Online, Dark Age of Camelot or Ultima Online.

You will need to create a new Ultima Online “ Persona“ (master account). Log into the account management page using your EA Account and choose to ‘create a new trial account’ from the subscriptions page.Account Center FunctionsOnce you’ve successfully logged into the account center, there are a few options available to you. First of all, you can use the drop down menu to cycle between any Mythic Master Accounts/Personas you have attached to this EA Account.Once you’ve selected whichever Persona/Mythic Master Account you wish to edit or view information on, you simply need to select whichever tab you desire.Subscriptions – View Product Accounts (Game Logins) that are associated with the selected Persona.Activate Key – Activate any type of game code or key.Billing – All billing information is now protected by EA under your profile. Billing information can be updated by selecting the UPDATE RENEWAL or SUBSCRIBE buttons located under each game account.Contact Information – Contact information and other account preferences are now managed on the.Link Accounts – Allows you to link other existing Mythic Master Accounts to the logged in EA Account. When linking accounts, you must first click the “ link” button. Once successfully linked, hit “ Continue”. This will offer you a page to review the linking you are about to do.

You then need to hit the “ Confirm” button to finalize.Please be advised that there is a limit of 10 master accounts which can be linked to a single EA account. Attempting to link more than 10 accounts will result in a generic error from the account management page. If you have more than 10 accounts that you wish to link, it will require you to create a new EA account email to which you can then link your additional accounts.


Hello new player. You’ve read the guide, benefited from the protection of learned the basics skills from the pages and how to safely log out when you. Where to go and what to do? Ultima online is a ‘sandbox’ game, there is no right or wrong way to play it, except within the rules. This guide offers suggestions as to where to direct your ‘baby steps’ in game. Finding your way around the two game clients may be aided by reading the pages in the section of this wiki.

If you are using a you will be subjected to some restrictions. Skill SelectionYou will have selected your basic skills at character creation, now you can select further skills and begin training them. Some skills obviously go together but you can mix and match skills as you wish. Most people find that trying to squeeze in too many skills makes them something of a ‘jack of all trades and master of none’. It is wise to choose skills that complement each other, for example a will need evaluate intelligence if his spells are to reach their maximum power. Inscription can also add power to some spells and meditation helps to restore the mana you need to cast.

Likewise a tamer will need animal lore to be able to control the pet he tames, and usually veterinary to heal it, though sometimes a tamer is a mage too and the mage’s evaluate intelligence gives his healing spell enough power to dispense with veterinary. A blacksmith will need to decide how he will obtain his resources, will he mine for them? Also he or a tailor, tinker or carpenter will need to be aware of the effect of Arms Lore on any weapons or armor he crafts. A basic understanding of selecting and controlling skills and stats is found and an introduction to the various spellcasting skills. Skill TrainingOnce you decide on your skills, you need to begin training them. Initial training, on skills not selected at character creation, can be ‘bought’ from an appropriate npc. Select the npc’s context menu by single clicking it to see what skills he/she will train, then click on the skill.

The NPC will name his price for that training, in the example shown the skill selected was ‘armslore’ and the cost 333gp, this will take the character’s skill to 33.3%. You must drop the sum he asks for onto his head. If you have no gold in your pack, you will need to go to the bank and say to the banker or minter ‘withdraw amount’ the required gold will be placed in your backpack. For more information on how money is handled by the game please read the page. Most combat skills can be gained quickly by undertaking. The NPC character ‘Sir Helper’ near Haven Bank will help you to locate the NPC you need. You may not purchase skill while engaged in one of these quests, so be sure to do that first.

Other can be undertaken in the same area and your bank balance would probably benefit from taking a few. Those taken in Haven town are the simplest quests and involve escorting a non-player character to a location within the town.

AdventuringThe undead in Old Haven that you are sent to fight in some of the gain quests are not the only hostiles on Haven Island. You can find mongbats, greater mongbats and boglings close to the town, with Ettins south of the public moongate and Brigands to the far east of the town.

Of these the Ettins and Brigands are the strongest, but none will attack you while you bear the young tag, unless of course you attack them. In the mountains south of the moongate is. Here you will find Earth Elementals, only when you have a modest amount of skill should these be attempted. The second level of the mine is inhabited by lizardmen and ogre lords.

Avoid the ogre lords until at least ‘master’ level in your main skills and have armor that offers a good level of protection.Should you wish to explore the wider world and still continue your training at a low level you might like to attempt a quest on the Tokuno island of or some other simple in Ilshenar, Malas or Heartwood. To reach these areas enter the public moongate found just south of Haven bank, a dialogue box will appear listing the locations of similar moongates that you can be transported to.

The will help you select the right location; the entrance to Heartwood is found at the center of the village of in Trammel. You may, at this stage, wish to be more mobile, perhaps obtaining a mount and learning a little of.Further adventuring may be suggested by the, and sections of this wiki. StuckVery occasionally you may find yourself in a situation that you cannot get out of. An example of this would be dying when digging a treasure map on an island with no moongate and no wandering healers. Open your help menu and choose the option ‘My character is physically stuck’. After a short delay you will be offered a list of towns to choose from. Your character will be teleported to the town of your choice from which you can continue your game play, possibly having first visited the town’s healer shop.

EquipmentAs you fight more difficult foes you will need improved armor and, if you are a warrior, weapons. There are a variety of ways you might do this. Loot from monsters you kill is an obvious one. Some suits of armor can be obtained from the ‘‘ system. Artifact are obtained in several different ways, players sometimes sell through, which can also be used to elicit help or advice from fellow players, or you might purchase from. You will not wish to lose such items, to avoid this you will need. ConclusionThese few paragraphs and links will hopefully start you off on the great adventure that is Ultima Online.

Many, many more pages are included in the wiki for your help and guidance and many of the players in the game will be more than willing to help you too. There’s also the ‘early settler’ method of assessing risk when facing a new monster. If it kills you, it was too hard, time to find a healer.A small word of warning; Ultima Online is a world like any other. Some people lie, some people cheat and some people scam. Don’t step through a player gate unless you trust the caster, it may not go where you think it does. Scammers work exactly the same way as they do in real life, if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.Be safe, be lucky and above all have fun!