
Clannad Characters

Of the 101684 characters on Anime Characters Database, 24 are from the anime Clannad.

Voiced by: & (JP - anime), (JP - movie), David Matranga (EN)The protagonist of the series. Due to his habit of always arriving late to school, skipping classes during the day, and staying out all night, he has been labeled as a, or a young person who defies authority.

Nevertheless, his actions end up changing everyone else's life for the better.Tropes associated with Tomoya:.: Type II or III - Type I.: He's apparently completely unaware of how attractive he is.: Just about every girl we meet is in love with him, whether actively pursuing him or quietly suffering or somewhere in between. Even though he's purportedly a, his ardent admirers include a, two, and a /.: The seems conflicted as to how much it wants him to fit the trope. For whatever reason, he's an astounding, and for whatever reason, he seems to have an enormously positive impact on every girl he befriends. Nevertheless, people keep calling him a loser - especially in the Tomoyo Arc. He also falls more into actual loser status after he graduates from high school; his nearly superhuman ability to fix every problem essentially evaporates, and he goes from an ' to a genuinely ordinary person. (Not to say he becomes boring; quite the contrary, he becomes more.). This is only in the anime.

In the original visual novel, Tomoya still manages to help a number of people after graduation. It's more like, while his strong point is his ability to help others get through their toughest times, at the end, the one that's left is himself. It's noted several times in the story that Tomoya is unable to do anything for himself, and is only able to be strong when it's for someone else's sake. After Nagisa dies, he falls into a slump, but he's able to come back in full force once he fixes his relationship with Ushio.: He is turned on by fantasies.: Depending on the lighting, he often has and.: / in the.: He periodically attempts to reform, under the influence of Nagisa (in the main series) or Tomoyo (in the ).: In the manga.he looks suspiciously like.: Clannadman.

Nagisa is his 'Waifu'. Together, they are known as, 'Clannadman and his waifu.' Voiced by: (JP), (EN)Nagisa is the main heroine of. A lacking in confidence, she meets Tomoya when she pauses (amid a sea of ) at the bottom of the hill, struggling to bring herself to continue on her way to school.

Tomoya gives her some encouragement and eventually assists her in her dream of reestablishing the Drama Club.Later becomes Tomoya's wife and mother to Ushio.Tropes associated with Nagisa:.: One cup and she's all but out. And clingy.:. Nagisa does feel jealousy on occasion, but somehow Well. Averted except when she's drunk and the alleged 'rival' is her own mother, Sanae.: A mild example by the standards of the franchise. But only by those standards.: Her hair is auburn/red/amber, and her eyes are also amber.: in the and in the True End.: Her detractors call her 'the clone'.: Waifu.

Tomoya is her 'Clannadman'. Together, they are known as, 'Clannadman and his waifu'. A more derogatory nickname she's picked up from fans who dislike her is 'Cockroach', due to her.: Especially in the, although the game leans that way as well. Game or, more than half the plot is dedicated to her.

She is Tomoya's true love after all. Either way, 'Clannad' is mainly what it is because of the 'After Story' arc, an arc dedicated entirely to her as the heroine.: In the 2006 movie by Toei, Nagisa is a - or at least, she is in comparison to the fretful version of her in the reboot.: Her two red hair barrettes.: With Tomoya.: Tomoya's.: Hauu! Omochikaeri!! Yep, she's Rena Ryuugu from. Also smoking hot redhead and.

She is also. On the dub side.' '.: When she ends up with Tomoya and gives birth to their child, Ushio.: So much that she had to repeat her senior year twice.: Judging by her dialogue in routes that aren't her own, she fell for Tomoya at their first meeting because of his pushing her forward.: In a series replete with them, she still manages to stand out. Once she comes out of her shell, she seems to love pretty much everyone - including her romantic rivals. The one person she believes threatens her relationship with Tomoya is her mother.: She won't let even Sunohara go undefended.: The hill she and Tomoya climb on the way to school in the first episode is an allegory to their growing relationship.

They met amid blowing in as her hair rippled out behind her. And just in case that's too subtle, the anime abruptly shifts from to brilliant colors.?.: Mild example.

Her look and childish demeanor makes her seem like the youngest of the group, when in fact she is the oldest, having had to repeat her senior year. She is one year older than Tomoya, Kyou, Ryou, Kotomi and Sunohara, two years older than Tomoyo and Yukine. Of course, considering who her parents are, there's a very good chance she'll fully belong in this trope when she gets older. Any bets on whether she gets mistaken for Ushio's older sister?.

of Nagisa, Sanae, and Ushio. It wouldn't be that hard for people not familiar with the series to mistake them for sisters.: Many.

For starters, her obsession with food - especially odango. And that odango song, which is so in the and yet so hilarious.: The version definitely is, though over the course of the series, she becomes less of one.: Amber eyes,. Voiced by: (JP), Shelley Calene-Black (EN)of 3-E, Kyou has known both Tomoya and Sunohara since their junior year. Known for being overprotective of both Botan and her sister Ryou, she is known for literally.Tropes associated with Kyou:.: She has a very distinctive hairstyle (and ).

Among the odd features she shares with her (and one they also share with 'Katsuki Shima' when he's in his female disguise) is a pair of what look like cat ears. Kyou: (coyly) We're alone now. What do you want to do?Tomoya:Kyou: You are really rude.: Kyou and Ryou are both in love with Tomoya.: With Ryou.: Made abundantly clear in the visual novel (less so in the anime), whenever Kyou is talking about how Tomoya needs to pay attention to Ryou more she's crying inside.: Sometimes, especially in episode 10 and 11.: No, she isn't one, but she has one: Button / Botan (ボタン), her pet baby boar, which keeps following her to school.: Her is a dictionary. Usually aimed at Youhei, but sometimes at Tomoya, especially when she thinks (or pretends to think) he's plotting to eat her pet baby boar Botan. (See, above.) (She usually hits Youhei, whereas she usually misses Tomoya. Presumably this is at least in part intentional on Kyou's part.).: The tomboy to her twin sister Ryou's girly girl.: Type 13 with Kyou at A, Ryou at B and Tomoya at C. It gets complicated from there because while the basics are simple (Kyou and Ryou like Tomoya, who is friends with one and barely knows the other and Kyou is supporting Ryou) new factors enter the equation when Tomoya begins dating Ryou on the theory that he might come to like her eventually, but ends up liking Kyou.: According to Ryou, in Kappei's route of the.: Identical in color (although not in cut) to the hair of her twin sister Ryou.: And how!

And unlike everyone else, she wears them to any time, any task, be it a birthday party, school sport or working hard in Kotomi's garden. She stops wearing them when she becomes Ushio's teacher.

However, at that time she wasn't wearing a skirt. Voiced by: (JP), Emily Neves (EN)Kotomi is a: she has and is. Generally she is. She squirrels herself away - she is always kneeling on the library floor, reading.

Absorbing.When Tomoya meets her, he manages to cut through some of her protective layers and socialize with her a bit, but each time he attempts to start up a conversation with her she won't notice him and respond unless he remembers to call her 'Kotomi-chan'. She has a habit of cutting pages from books and newspapers. The polar opposite of, she is. She has a deep-seated fear of bullies and a mysterious man in a black suit.As it turns out, Kotomi was Tomoya's childhood friend. He has forgotten her, although she has not forgotten him. Her parents, important academics, were always too busy to attend her birthday when she was a child.

Before one fateful birthday, they made a promise to attend and give her a teddy bear, but they died in a plane crash before that could happen. The mysterious man in black is actually a friend of her father's, the one who informed her of her parents' death - an association that causes her fear of him years later.Kotomi was too devastated to hear of their death and the prospect of them forgetting her by dying like that without her present and eventually she burnt a catalogue that she thought to be her father's scientific paper (which turns out to be a catalogue for the teddy bear they'd bought her), which started a fire that would likely have burnt down her house, with her in it, were it not for the quick action of that man in black. (Tomoya was there, too, although he forgets about it until near the end of the first season.)After the fire, Kotomi vows to study hard and make amends for her destruction of (what she thinks was) this seminal scientific work, by becoming an important intellectual in her own right. Socializing simply isn't important to her - at least until she meets Tomoya again, when they're high school seniors.Tomoya befriends her and helps her to open up and socialize. Later she discovers that her parents never forgot about her, and the last thing they preserved before their death was Kotomi's present, a teddy bear doll. After this, in the, Kotomi resumes her relationship with Tomoya as his girlfriend. But in the, she gets.Tropes associated with Kotomi:.: 'I can feel your boobs, your boobs?'

'Stop talking like a Russian gymnast!' .: Her pitiful attempts at tsukkomi only cause her to be labeled as exceedingly boke by Kyou.: All her favorite friends are books. (Well, at least until she re-meets Tomoya.).: She constantly skips classes to read in the library, but is still the top scorer in every exam. She is also scouted for overseas study.: Cannot Make A Tsukkomi. She also makes terrible puns and her other attempts at gags also make no sense, including one.: When we first meet her, she's so much in her own dream-world that she doesn't even notice other people trying to talk to her - unless that person is Tomoya and he remembers to address her as Kotomi-chan.

Voiced by: (JP-Clannad), Hikaru Isshiki (JP-Tomoyo After), Kaytha Coker (EN)A who has attained as a. Tomoyo who delivers the frustration of her messed up family that almost considered divorcing by fighting and hurting other people. That changed when her little brother Takafumi, in a desperate attempt to fix things up, either threw himself to the river or gets himself into a car crash, ending up crippled and instantly mending the family and softens up Tomoyo. She later hears her brother's wish to see the sakura tree, and made it her mission to preserve those trees. She later attends at Tomoya's school and starts out by driving out some delinquents that threaten the school, and later spends her time not only to become the (the only position where she can issue orders to preserve the sakura tree), also kicking Sunohara's butt whenever he pisses her off (and repeatedly). After much hardships of winning the students' hearts and cleans up her delinquent status, she is elected as the, and continues to be friends with the ones who help her doing so: Tomoya.Tomoyo proves to be wildly popular that she later gets selected as the protagonist of a special sequel which is the continuation of her visual novel story. Her route also gets animated in an episode based on her route, whereas she dates Tomoya (whereas other girls don't seem to exist), but both became torn between their status and decided to move on to their own path, breaking up in result.

When Tomoya finally graduates, Tomoyo waits for him and they tearfully reunite as lovers.Tropes associated with Tomoyo:.: If she had to, she'd kick 's ass. She'd apologize afterward, of course. But she'd do it, and you damn well know it.: In a way, in the Tomoyo Arc episode.

She's more than an 'extra' in the main series, but she's promoted to status in the episode, and her potential romantic rivals don't even make it onscreen.: With Youhei. Except not.: Seriously, singlehandedly taking out entire groups of gangsters? While still maintaining a hot and appearance?.: When Sunohara and Tomoya fight then end up with bruises the very next. She on the other hand just whatever comes her way while maintaining her appearance.: Averted, narrowly, though she does use a lot of masculine terms like omae and daro.: In the visual novel when she kicks Sunohara, an image of him falling will pop up on the screen, and sometimes stay there while waiting for the reader to click. In one scene, she tells him to hurry and up and fall, because he's blocking the whole screen.: With the spinoff Tomoyo After.: Maybe or maybe not, in the literal sense - although she does become, which suggests a bit of background and interest in student politics. But she definitely has the temperament.: In the, she combos Sunohara with nearly the entire cast during the Founder's Festival.: Indirectly, as when Tomoya turns to dirty thoughts about Tomoyo, she's glad that he's able to think of her that way. And with a little needling, she'll freak and realize that she's thinking of the same things.: By her own admission.

She was a coldhearted bitch who only knew how to hurt people, until she completely defrosted with her brother's incident. Now she's one of the nicest people in the show.: Trying to remake her image for her to be able to become the.: She has quite the devoted fan club.: Well for Sunohara only.: In the sequel to her route Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life, in which Tomoya dies.:.

She's the tomboyish jock Kagura from. And also par excellence Kirika Yuumura from.: Subtler than most of the other girls in the series, but she does wear a headband that earns the occasional comment (usually from Youhei).: 'So you're why he's doing this.'

And later: '. /.: She fits the bill, just, though unlike Kyou, she usually does give a warning before attacking.: In the Tomoyo Arc episode. Not a literally magical, but she goes beyond mere -status: a reformed who's nevertheless completely and irrevocably devoted to the loser Tomoya.: By the end of the first season, and especially in the Tomoyo Arc episode, in which she's not just the female romantic lead, but the only female character of significance.: It happens. And quite frequently, too.:; her name is very similar to Tomoya's, and in an, the two of them wind up living together, along with her half-sister Tomo.: And boy does she know how to use them.: Used particularly on Sunohara. 64 point combo!.: Tough, distant and at times (but more cool-headed compared to Kyou), and then affectionate at other times.: At least in her arc, in which she scores fourth in her year for all of Japan on her exams. Note that this is less than a year after she decided to clean up her image, after being something of a borderline delinquent for the previous few years.: The tomboy when paired with. (Except Misae.).: For most of the time.

Although, she has her moments of being.: By way of being a.: Well, more of a silvery-brown, but whatever. Voiced by: (JP), (EN)A rather strange, short girl, who never seems to take classes and is often to be found sitting somewhere quiet carving wooden star shapes. A rumor about her being a ghost is floating about the school, and she has a tendency to force her carvings on any student she meets, requesting that in return they attend her elder sister's wedding and congratulate her.In reality, Fuko is somehow projecting herself into the school from her comatose body, having been unconscious since she was hit by a car after her first day at the school. As the end of her storyline looms, everyone begins to forget about her, losing the ability to see or interact with her, until a last, massive effort allows her to reappear for a brief moment, and congratulate her elder sister herself.

Not long beforehand, her sister had revealed to Tomoya that Fuko's body in the hospital had 'stopped breathing'.In the anime, Kouko meant that Fuko had a low chance of waking up, as her condition had deteriorated. But this has been officially as of the, where after Tomoya initiates the and saves the lives of both Ushio and Nagisa, a light orb is obtained by Fuko and as a result, she wakes up from her coma.Tropes associated with Fuko:.: When she shows up in. An extreme example: she's Tomoya's age (twenty-five) but connects better with Ushio (who is five).: A little bit, with Tomoya.: According to the.: She ought to be way too old to fit the trope. But she certainly and like a child.: Not in temperament; she's just given the title. And it's not even for a real class.: We lost you for a minute there.

Are you back now? No?.: Is mistaken for one. She's not far off.: Periodically goes into lapses of this when exposed to starfish and Ushio, prompting Tomoya to squirt fruit juice up her nose to snap her out of it.and.: In the anime, after her arc, she magically reappears in short cameos here and there to foreshadow what will happen at the end of the series, and the main page of this show explains that it's also.: Plot-wise, she is an of.: She's actually comatose, and the Fuko we meet is a sort-of astral projection.: Fuko says she wants to do this to little Ushio-chan, Tomoya's daughter, to be her little sister. (Not only says this, but keeps trying to kidnap her.).: She's definitely prickly and temperamental.: But you still can't help but at least feel sorry for her.: Her big purple hair ribbon.: Fuko pulls this when she needs a fake last name while staying with the Furukawas.: When she shows up in, she's as old as Tomoya (about twenty-five) but still looks like a grade schooler (and ).: Fuko vs.

Although the former is used in the opening credits, some prefer to use the latter due to wanting to stick with one romanization system.: Amber or gold.: Game only, depending on the path you take.: In the. Apparently unaware that she has a crush on Tomoya, she describes a fairly graphic scene without having any idea what it means.

Voiced by: (JP), (EN)The younger and more timid of the Fujibayashi twins. Is the class representative of her room, but only won it through lottery rather then through actual voting. Is known for telling fortunes of anyone who asks her. Her fortunes are always complex and usually completely off the mark, though she can be eerily accurate at times. Though she is usually wrong, she believes that it would be better for the future not to be already set. She has a crush on Tomoya in the beginning and enlists Kyou's help, or rather, Kyou insists on helping her.Tropes associated with Ryou:.: She has a very distinctive hairstyle (and hair color).

One feature her hair shares both with her twin sister Kyou and with 'Katsuki Shima' when he's in his female disguise is. The 'cat ears' hair waves are reminiscent of several females in.: If is anything to go on. (S1 04 11:32).: She tried to lie about being pregnant so to pull a variation of on Kappei. Unfortunately she forgot the prerequisite hasn't been met, to the confusion of everyone in the scene.: An exception to the franchise's rule.

This simultaneously differentiates her from her and serves as a shorthand to the audience that.: Her feelings toward Tomoya. Even with the abundant help of her twin sister Kyou, she never actually manages to make a confession in the. (Well, at least, not in the movie, nor in the main series, although she does manage in an OVA.).: Of, and by extension, of.

Note that her boyfriend in the, Kappei, has Hiiragi as his surname., anyone?.: Her hair has cat ear-like waves in it (as does her sister Kyou's). See also, above.: On a literal level (at least her senior year). But not in temperament, as she's a very timid girl who only nags people because, well, she's stuck with the job of. Evidently she was assigned the job at random. Unlike, Kyou she is a follower who prefers being in the background.: The Kyou epilogue notes that she started dating someone she met at the hospital who has a cute face, meaning that she likely hooked up with Kappei.: She's not an official haremette, and picking her over Kyou in the is a Bad End, since you don't obtain a Light Orb. That's not really a bad end, it just means it's pointless to finish her route if you're going for After Story.

It could be considered a bad end if the entire thing is considered Kyou's route, but even then it's hardly bad.: Just like Akari in.: Although her predictions are more hilariously precise than strictly accurate. Still, she's usually onto something.

In her way.: Think, only extremely timid. In the dub's case, just try and take it seriously with Ayu Tsukimiya from 's voice coming from Ryou. It's more jarring to hear 's voice from Ryou when it comes to the dub.: Ryou!.: At least in the series.

Not that she ever really seems to hold much hope for winning Tomoya's heart; she often seems to be going through the motions in order to appease her sister.: Tomoya calls her Fujibayashi. It's a wonder that her sister Kyou when Tomoya calls Ryou. It is explained in an extra episode in After Story that Kyou insisted on Tomoya to call her by her first name when they first met.: She's just really bad at cooking. Known to cause unconsciousness in small animals.

In the anime, that was just one dish. Everyone seems to like the rest of her food - although she's not as skilled a cook as her sister Kyou. (An interesting reversal of the on.).

Ryou starts out a horrible chef but does her best to get better so that she can be more like Kyou, whom Tomoya likes more. She gets close enough to her sister in skill that Tomoya is very much reminded of Kyou - but she never quite matches her.: in the case of her and her twin Kyou.: With her twin sister Kyou. Goes with being the of Of.: Which makes her role as more difficult.: With Kyou.: With Kyou.: Realizes perfectly well that Kyou and Tomoya have a lot more chemistry and mutual attraction, but hides it. Then she tries to act as much like Kyou as she can, but can't quite do it.

As seen with the pork cutlets.: Tarot Cards drastically up her fortune accuracy, eerily so.: The girly girl to her.: But only as part of her winter uniform. Voiced by: (JP), (EN)Tomoya's best buddy and fellow delinquent. Generally a dim but lovable fellow.

Makes for a great punching bag. Well, it tends to be kicks, really.Tropes associated with Sunohara:.: Tomoyo in the beginning.: Do NOT wrong poor little Mei.: This is his whole life. Or maybe it's more of a -And-Tsukkomi-Routine.

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Either way, he continually says or does something stupid, and Tomoya, Kyou, Tomoyo, or some other character is on hand to hit him (or worse).: A textbook example.: Pretty much every time Sunohara shows up, you can be guaranteed that someone is going to deliver him a or by the end of the scene. by Tomoyo at one point in the. Tomoyo: You exist solely for gags.: It is quite a wonder how he could take over the top physical abuses (Mostly by Kyou, Tomoyo, Misae, and Akio) and walk away like nothing happened when you would expected him to be carried away on a stretcher.

He shouldn't be alive, actually considering that the rest of the cast is much more fragile.: Greg Ayres previously played 's, Jun Kitagawa. This makes for one hell of an amusing in After Story if you remember what Kitagawa said about wanting to try Akiko's jam.: One of his default expressions.: More of a, but he has elements of both.: One of many in the series, but one of the very few who seems to be genuinely stupid.: In the form of a hilarious Bad End in the.: His English is so bad he says 'Rezombie' instead of 'Revenge'.

I am pretty dog. Thank you, my friend from New York!. in an episode, when an exasperated Kyou asks him how he ever managed to graduate high school.: in that he dyed it when he joined the soccer team and became a self-absorbed. His natural hair color is dark.: Seems to have been this with Tomoya - until Nagisa and the appear on the scene.: He is.: At times. The closest thing the series has, among all the major characters.: Used to be one.

Now gets beaten up by them. His on screen beatings are only for comic relief purposes, the only serious one was during a flashback with him quitting the soccer club, aside from all that he's hardly the wimp puching bag, it's quite the contrary back when he and Tomoya weren't such good friends they were actually feared, when they became partners they also became more of a pranksters duo than real delinquents. Voiced by: (JP), Serena Varghese (EN)Youhei Sunohara's little sister.Tropes associated with Mei:.: In one of Tomoya's. More subtle moments pop up from time to time - not actually suggesting incest between the two, but with people (sometimes even Mei herself) tricking Youhei by saying, for example, that a cute girl has arrived to visit him., he always falls for it.: Both her seiyuu and voice actress voiced another with in a KeyAni series - Michiru in.: Maybe or maybe not, in the literal sense, but she seems to have the temperament.: Although, like Sanae, she's a very sweet one. (Not as sweet as Sanae, but?).: You'd half expect someone to call her the now, would you? To the unbelievers, she'd just say,.

Her saying 'Onii-chan' is identical to the manner of. In the English dub, you half expect her to.: For her brother.: Possibly. Probably not one of the more extreme examples in a series full of messiahs, though.: Plays cupid to Tomoya and Nagisa in the summer episode of season one.: In the.

Blink and you might miss it.: With Youhei.: and to no end by Mei herself.: Although also. Voiced by: (JP), Kara Greenberg (EN)Nagisa's mother, an ex-teacher who runs a bakery alongside her husband, Akio. Sanae is always trying to make new bread with unique properties (i.e. Bread with rice crackers inside) although almost none of them turn out to be successful.

She is very sensitive and cries easily especially when she is told her bread tastes bad.Tropes associated with Sanae:.: Kind of a, as she married and had Nagisa when she was very young.: When 'dating' Sunohara, she declares to Mei: 'Isogai Sanako, 17 years old.' In which.: Is quite prone to crying if her bread is insulted.

Which is all the time, usually by Akio. As Tomoya gradually realizes, at least some of this is, a long-time habit born of desperately trying to make a smile.: One of her outfits when she's trying out.: During her very brief stint as a teacher. (She was also a teacher long before the series takes place.).: Who on earth puts M&Ms and lobster in bread?, that's who. Note that it's only her bread that's terrible. Every other dish she cooks is apparently delicious.: Generally, she's very formal.

But her granddaughter calls her Sanae. (Well, Sanae-san.).: An one, but still, she's very genki.: and at your service.: Observed and to high heaven in episode two of After Story.: Afterthe birth of Nagisa's daughter, Ushio, a Hot Shounen Grandma.: During her very brief stint as a teacher. (She was also a teacher long before the series takes place.).: She's so cute!! Oh wait, Akio is, right.: Her bread is lethally bad tasting enough, but whatever you do, please do not spread over it. Just dont.: The series, in a (mostly) non-romantic way. Not all that much in season one; far more in. Perhaps most intensely - and most cleverly - pulled off in the first half of episode 17, when a quasi-flirtatious Sanae attempts to coax a brutally depressed Tomoya out of his five-year-long.

She play-acts the role to perfection here. But in episode 18, through Ushio's comments, we see a more damaged side to Sanae, and at the beginning of episode 19, the facade shatters as Sanae finally lets down her guard and allows herself to cry in Akio's arms and mourn for her daughter Nagisa.

She's no longer any sort of; she's just a and truly anguished mother.: Even by the standards of this series, which is overflowing with, Sanae manages to stand out. This becomes more and more evident as Tomoya sinks deeper and deeper into gloom in the middle third of.

See also.: She looks about twenty-five, but her daughter Nagisa is eighteen or nineteen. In-universe, people are far more likely to ask if she's Nagisa's sister than if she's her mother.

In one episode, while in a, she passes herself off as seventeen.: When she dresses up as a seventeen year old, no one recognizes her. (Well, except for her husband Akio.).: Someone insults her bread (usually Akio) insults her bread and she is ALWAYS right behind and she says she runs out crying and Akio runs out with the bread in his mouth screaming that he loves them.: Generally speaking, no; so far as we can tell, she's the same, profoundly, and slightly person on the inside as she appears to be on the outside. Nevertheless, see, below, and see, above, for a example of this trope played straight.: It's not that she's unable to cry after Nagisa's death, but that Ushio needs her strength after having to look after her.

The scene where she finally does cry for her dead daughter, five years after the fact, is truly heartwrenching.: Voiced, appropriately enough,. Voiced by: (JP), Andrew Love (EN)Nagisa's dad. Although he often talks and plays rough, he is kind and sympathetic.

His childish side makes it easy for people to befriend him. He used to be an actor, now runs the Furukawa Bakery with his wife Sanae. In his spare time, Akio plays baseball with children in the small park next to the bakery, and indulges in the fandom.Tropes associated with Akio:.: Has not quite grown out of his theatrical high-school personality.: His granddaughter calls him 'Akki.' .: None other than.

(No, not Zero!) Makes you wonder if he's yelling ' ' when he found Nagisa near-dead. He's also and. And a!. Captain Kuchiki Byakuya in.: All he needs is a mecha. ( in 's 'One Year Earlier' episode, where one of his plans for Nagisa to become popular involves mecha. Which in itself is an.: After Ushio's birth, also a Hot Grandpa.: Well, he was an actor before becoming a baker.: Played mostly for comedy. Just over halfway through, upon finding out that his daughter Nagisa is pregnant, Akio is torn between denial - 'A stork brought it.

joy at becoming a grandfather, and desire to strangle Tomoya for sleeping with his innocent little girl - 'You bastard! (manages to contort his grimace into a sort of smile) Congratulations!'

(Worth noting: this scene represents rather extreme, as it takes place several months after Tomoya and Nagisa have gotten married.).: Shares this with his wife, Sanae. He looks like a handsome thirty - possibly even younger - but given that his daughter Nagisa is eighteen or nineteen at the beginning of the series, that's hardly likely.: Definitely. Although not quite as paper thin (nor as successful) as his wife Sanae's disguise.: Attempts this as part of above-mentioned disguise. Also includes to go with his mecha pilot personality.: He insults her bread, and she is always right behind him and she says, she runs out crying he runs out with the bread in his mouth screaming (to the best of his ability) he loves them.: All the time. A specific, extreme, and famous example is cited above under.: He spent his teen years (and beyond) dreaming of becoming a great actor. Life got in the way, as it's wont to do.

Voiced by: (JP), Elizabeth Bunch (EN)Landlady at the school's student dorm. Has her own mini-route in the game, wherein Tomoya falls in love with her after hanging out in her room whenever he has a chance.: Probably. Not remotely in Tomoyo's league, though.: Not really - most likely - but a bit of a in the to her high school days.: A rarity in this series. Then again, also has blue hair.

See also and.: A, in that she likely would have no trouble expressing her feelings for the boy in question - except, as it turns out, the boy she likes already has a girlfriend, and he goes out of his way to cut off Misae's potential. The boy does this to spare Misae potential embarrassment - or at least, that's how he and his girlfriend choose to view his actions. Misae's friends have less generous opinions of his behavior.: Not literally. But in temperament, she has both the kittenish side and the cat side down pat. See also, and.: Majorly with her cat. Although he's no ordinary cat, is he?.: During the to her high school days. Maybe or maybe not, in the literal sense - although she does become, which suggests a bit of background and interest in student politics.

But she definitely has the temperament.: She's awesome, especially when dealing with the troublemakers under her supervision in the boys' dorm, including not only the and but also.: Sometimes when she's angry, but also sometimes when playing happily with her cat.: Of Kaname Chidori from. (Her last name is also a to the same series: Sagara is Chidori's.) She also looks and acts a LOT like Kaname, and they share a.

Thought it would be worth mentioning this. In Fumoffu, Chidori does a Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex Hold(and it's wonderful in this tropers opinion) on Sousuke in episode two. Misae does a toned-down version(I think, depends on how you look at it) in in episode 5 of Clannad After Story.: When she was in high school. Liberally mixed with.: In the to her high school days, she wears a ribbon that looks almost like. Which is completely appropriate, given who she winds up with at the festival. (Worth noting: that same basic ribbon, with those same implied, turns up on several other girls over the course of the series. But it never looks as thoroughly catlike as it does on her.).: Aside from Kaname, we have, and many others.: With her cat, which was the 'Shima ' she met and fell in love with in her freshman year.

It's less than it sounds. Trust me.: In her mini route, Shima was this for her after a crush. If you don't believe the crush was really love, which is supported by the story, then her second love is instead Tomoya after he convinces her she can't just keep waiting for someone to come back when it's clear he isn't going to.: Back when she was in high school. A legend to this day, evidently.: Her cat.: Very much so, in temperament - even though for the vast majority of the series she doesn't have any potential with whom to play this tango.

Unless you count her 'Shima Katsuki.' Which you won't, until you reach her high school.: Tomoya advises her to use wrestling moves to punish the boys she oversees in the dorm, and she often demonstrates them on the Sunohara. Eventually, a reveals that she's been using these moves since her high school days. Voiced by: (JP), Maggie Flecknoe (EN)Yukine is a second year student who hangs around in the library's reference room.: Edging toward.: Okay, she more truthfully fills the role (see below), but the gang members all refer to her, in a bit of punish nickname, as Yuki-nee, or Big Sis Yuki.: Yukine's brother Kazuto's death was kept as a secret from the rival gang, which ultimately led to Yukine impersonating her own brother.: The closeness of the name isn't the only thing she shares with.: Quite distinctive. Which seems odd, since she's a kindly who's also socially savvy and quite possibly the least -ish character we meet in the entire franchise. Voiced by: (JP), (EN)A former rock star / singer / writer turned electrician.Tropes associated with Yuusuke:.: To Tomoya, after he begins working at Hikarizaka Electric.: The reason he no longer sings.: Probably, although he didn't date her until he was out of school.: A male version. At least before he crashed and burned.

He's still worshiped by young - and also, in a more mature way, by his fiance and eventual wife Kouko Ibuki.: His persona at work - gruff but caring. Not really a 'jerk,' though, except when contrasted with his off-the-job persona as.: In the middle of a baseball game, no less.: Although sometimes a cranky one. Not that he doesn't have good reason to be cranky.: Has a lot of elements of this, especially in the eyes of (some of) the characters. (A notable exception is Misae, who dislikes him and can't stand the attention he draws.) Nearly always played for laughs rather than drama.: Developed a heroin habit during his. Voiced by: (game only)A young man who is traveling around.

His goal in life is to 'live like a man.' .: He doesn't appear at all in the anime, not even in, which spends the first third of the season to go into the side character stories.: Confused the hell out of Tomoya until he told him his decidedly masculine name.: It's hard to imagine Kappei failing at menial jobs when you know that his also voices.: Quite a bit of this with Tomoya, making him rather uneasy. It mostly dissolves when Kappei starts going out with Ryou.: He has life-threatening cancer.: Used to be one at an orphanage until a musician he idolized (implied to be Yuusuke) inspired him to pursue his dreams.: He goes about traveling to find a job - until he settles down in Hikarizaka, mainly because he meets Ryou.: Wanted to become a track athlete but has leg cancer.

He refuses to let go of his dream, even when the disease becomes life-threatening and there are no options other than amputation of his leg. Voiced by: (JP), (EN)The daughter of Nagisa and Tomoya.: Which doesn't, of course, preclude her from being a - not in this series.: She's the girl running through the field with yellow flowers in the first season's opening, and it's her legs you see skipping in the second season's ending. Also appears twice, with her face hidden, in the second season opening; once talked to by Kyou, once hugged by Fuko.: Physically, she's exactly like her mother, except she has no Furukawa‎-clan - after all, technically she's an Okazaki.

She is also unusually well-mannered, loves the Big Dango Family and also loves playing with the dango plushies. She is also an.: Unlike her mother, she is outgoing and energetic.: She takes after her mother in this regard. At least in the reality where both she and Nagisa die.

In the reality where everyone lives, Tomoya outright states that Ushio is quite healthy.: Until Tomoya takes her in.: How she talks and acts. She also behaves well for a 5-year old.: Although she's 5 years old, she makes sure to not ruin dramatic moments.: 'Ushio' means 'tide.' 'Nagisa,' her mother's name, mean 'shore.' An.: Well, in at least one universe, anyway.Shino Okazaki. Voiced by: (JP), Melissa Davis (EN)She is actually Ushio Okazaki after her death, having lost her memories of her brief life with her father Tomoya. She regains them as she dies in the Illusionary World and she releases the light orbs for Tomoya to use so that he could save Nagisa, herself, and himself from their cursed fate.This is by the first season's, with the appearance of the doll, Ushio, and Fuko standing over her which is actually shown in the of After Story in the ending minutes.: See.: A mild example.

But she's pretty cheerful, under the (grim) circumstances.: Above everything, she is. Oh, and, which is extremely fitting. Voiced by: (JP), Shannon Emerick (EN)The doll is actually Tomoya Okazaki after his death, and after losing his memories of his life. When his daughter Ushio - his sole reason for going to the Illusionary World - dies there, he returns to the real world, having released the light orbs. The light orbs allow him to initiate a wherein Nagisa survives giving birth to Ushio. After that, they all live happily ever after.: Although the has some occasional other, the Garbage doll provides well over half.Tropes associated with other characters:.: Shima, when Misae's friends.

His hair has the same cat ears that Kyou and Ryou have.: Rie Nishina and a few other girls at school.: Tomoyo's little brother, Takafumi Sakagami. Also, the original Katsumi Shima.

/: The members of the soccer team. On occasion, and to a much lesser extent, the members of the rugby team. Averted with the basketball team, who come across as decent enough guys.: Mitsui, the girl who Fuko befriended right before the accident.: Katsuki Shima.: Katsumi has one.: Botan, Kyou's baby boar.: Katsumi Shima turns out to be a cat. Also Kyou's baby boar Botan, later known as Nabe.

Kyou presumably intends the name to mean 'button' - perhaps as in 'cute as a button,' which he is - but Tomoya that the name refers to botan nabe, a Japanese pork soup.: Tomoya's boss at the electric company. Also, Nagisa's boss at the restaurant.: Botan/Nabe, Kyou's pet boar.: In this case, Those Three Girls: Rie Nishina, Sugisaka, and their friend what's-her-name from the chorus club.: Katsuki Shima.

The girls of Clannad. Clockwise from top left: Tomoyo, Kotomi, Kyou, Fuko, and Nagisa in the center.This is a list of characters from the, and series. The main character is Tomoya Okazaki, an average guy who became a delinquent after a fight with his father that permanently damaged the tendon in his right arm. There are five heroines in this story: Nagisa Furukawa, a shy girl who wants to re-establish the long disbanded club; Kyou Fujibayashi, a loud and aggressive girl; Kotomi Ichinose, a silent genius who is usually found in the library studying advanced topics; Tomoyo Sakagami, a cool headed delinquent transfer student who wants to become the student council president in order to preserve the cherry blossom trees; and Fuko Ibuki, a childish girl who carves wooden starfish to distribute to others as inviting them to her sister's wedding. There is also Ushio Okazaki, Tomoya and Nagisa's daughter, who appears primarily in the After Story.Secondary characters primarily act as supporting characters to further the story of the central characters.