
Broken Age Dress

Broken Age is an by released for the PC, with the first act released in January of 2014 and the second in April 2015. It is notable for raising more than $3.3 million note about eight times the amount it asked for in crowd funding via, starting a trend among video game developers in to use Kickstarter to fund their own passion projects.The game features two separate stories which are played in parallel; although there is little direct connection between them, the two stories share strong thematic elements. Both stories feature a teenager — one a boy, the other a girl — who find themselves in situations they desire to escape.The boy, who is named Shay Volta, lives alone in outer space on the Bassinostra, an 'incubator vessel' that carried him to safety when his world was dying. His entire life so far has been spent under the watchful eye of the ship's maternal AI, who has coddled, nourished, and entertained him through the years, shielding him from potential dangers that lurk beyond the pod bay doors. However; Shay is starting to become suspicious of his extremely fussy adoptive parent's true motives, and he has a growing longing to see the outside world and face some real danger. The girl, Velouria Beastender Tartine ('Vella' for short), has just been selected for a 'great honor': her participation in her village's highly esteemed festival for the 'Mog Chothra' (the latest in a long distinguished line of Mogs) as one of the maidens that will potentially be devoured by the monster in exchange for the monster leaving the town in peace for another 14 years.

Apr 28, 2015  Broken Age doesn't break out of this formula in any real way, but instead updates it with adorable art and wonderful, witty writing. The game stars two characters, who you can switch between at any point in the game: Shay, a coddled space explorer who goes through the. Page 4 of the full game walkthrough for Broken Age. This guide will. Then use the Knife on Vella's dress so that she can cut herself free. She's Doomed Us All.

Faced with this dire situation, Vella finds herself coming back to a single question: 'What if we actually tried to fight the monster?' Both Shay and Vella will be required to make a fateful decision that will greatly affect their lives, and the world around them.A version with both acts was released on April 28, 2015, and the second act was released on the same day for PC, Mac, and Linux, along with a boxed version published by Nordic Games. SPOILERS related to the change in setting at the end of Act 1 will be UNMARKED, though tropes related to the twist itself will remain spoiled.This game provides examples of:.: During the Maiden's Feast, Vella's dress gets stuck in the sacrificial cake she was being offered in, so she cuts off the lower part of it to free herself and escape Mog Chothra.: One of the puzzles involves getting the talking tree to laugh at a joke.: Pretty much completely. The adults are easily hoodwinked by authority, afraid of change, and quick to dismiss the legitimate concerns of the young. In fact, several puzzles involve thwarting adult control or distracting adults so the young protagonists can do what really needs to be done.: Almost everyone in the game has a common English name, including all the robots and appliances on Shay's ship. Shay and Vella are slightly unusual names, but not very strange, especially for protagonists.

Then there's Marek.: The hexagonal robots on Shays ship; Shay calls them Hexapals and refers to them with masculine pronouns while Vella calls them Hexagals and uses feminine pronouns for them.: Vella's world seems relatively primitive (and has the type of theocratic thought common to primitive cultures), yet the inhabitants are clearly familiar with the concept of spaceships, Gus mentions playing arcade games, and Vella has a fairly easy time comprehending the tech she encounters on Shay's ship.: Mom used to tell Shay a story about a girl who was chosen to be sacrificed. The story ends with her revealing that she was that girl.: Alex is slightly more realistic than the rest of the cast, as he's based on Alex Rigopoulos of. Ditto for the Train Conductor, who is based on the train conductor from the board game Ticket To Ride.: In order to defeat Mog Chothra, you must shoot lasers into his mouth.: An incredibly bizarre example in the ending credits.

The spoon and the fork are shown together and with a baby spork. Better not ask.: At the end of Act 2, Shay is saved from falling to his death by Grabbin' Gary, whom he lost during Act 1.: One of the Maidens who is with Vella is snacking on a turkey leg during the ceremony and proudly says Mog Chothra prefers plump girls.: One of Shay's choices of breakfast cereal is 'Whole Grain Nutrient Paste'; the box art is suspiciously similar to that of the Quaker Oats Oatmeal.:.

The Knife that Shay recovers. When Shay drops the knife, it sails off, shouting 'I'm free! Free to cleave the infinite void of space itself!' . Vella to a more subtle degree. While she isn't a blood-hungry warrior, her puzzle solutions are often violent or confrontational and she seems perfectly happy with it.

Notably, the two characters meet in Act II after Vella gets stuck in Shay's ship. They get along great.: Act 1 ends with Shay and Vella lying down in the same position as on the first screen but on the side the other started on, with Vella stuck inside the Bossa Nostra, and Shay stranded in.

The final end credit image has Shay and Vella sitting back to back again looking dreamily off to either side, but this time in a field, together, and happy.: Both Mom and Dad are implied to be the result of this. Until Act 2 reveals that they are his real parents using special interfaces.: In Act 2, you can find the fabric that Dead Eye Dawn and Dead Eye Courtney cut to make their robes.: Meriloft, which has multiple people lampshade how strange having this as a village is by saying it's only possible through keeping things as light as possible while also giving them a large surface area.: Mom's reaction, almost literally, to the unwound knit critter.: The Druids, Dawn and Courtney, are obviously a couple, but the most intimacy we see is them holding hands. Then again, this is about the most intimacy we see in the whole game.:.

Marek and his occasional shifty eyes. Vella shows a tendency to cross her feet when idle.: Each of the protagonists cause changes in the course of solving puzzles that are beneficial to the other later on.: Shay finds that being really good at hugging has a surprising number of uses. However, he's not actually any good at fencing.: The cereals Mom offers to Shay.: Broken Age is basically about two teens learning how to lead a life separate from the one their parents chose for them.:. Vella's hometown doesn't seem to see anything wrong with sacrificing maidens to the resident monster. Most people treat it as a great honor, with the maidens believing they'll be remembered as heroes. The only people taking issue with the arrangement is Grandpa Beastender and Vella, and even they seem little more than irritated with the whole thing.

Until the actual sacrificing begins. Turns out every village Mog Chothra visits has become like this, with at least one girl seen lamenting over the fact that she wasn't eaten alive like the rest of the girls.: Sugar Bunting, Vella's hometown, looks beautifully pastoral and has an economy based entirely around baking. It also sacrifices girls to a hideous monster every 14 years. Shay's story, meanwhile, involves him trying to break out of his 'perfect' world to have some real adventures, evoking this idea.: Ch't the little boy is played by Hynden Walch, best known for playing and.: Brother Lightbeard's followers are a rare fictional example of a cult that actually works very much like your average real-life one, rather than simply being a bunch of hood-wearing, knife-wielding, Great Old One worshipping nutcases.

Most of the members are people in the middle of a mid-life crisis or some other state of emotional vulnerability who were recruited via promises of a healthier, more enlightened way of life and pulled the rest of their families with them while cutting all ties to their former lives. Alex: Well, heck. 1000 diamond code animal jam.

Let's just call a death ray a death ray.:. The Dead-Eye God spent his youth sheltered on a spaceship, and his young adulthood trying to communicate with the primitive ancestors of Shellmound, who automatically attributed all of his actions to divinity. With only a slim chance of completing Operation Dandelion, he's perfectly happy to help Vella fight Mog Chothra, although he prefers not to damage his ship in the process. The Dead-Eye Druids don't really believe the religion they preach, and will jump at the chance to worship something more meaningful. Eventually they realize they can achieve greater fulfillment by living their own lives.: There are quite a few humorous lines which can only be found by trying out somewhat obscure combinations of items and characters.: The basic premise of Vella's story is that she's trying to do this. She succeeds, but it's technically subverted since Mog Chothra is actually Shay's ship. Plus, she fails when she literally tries to punch Shay.: Curtis' stool remarks.

Though he is actually talking about chairs, the way he says them can be. The whole thing is even noticed by Vella.: Vella, and possibly note Many have their feet obscured by their dresses, so it's debatable every female character in her world, except the ones in Meriloft who have to wear cloudshoes. Shay: 'Hey, Marek, wanna take a hit off this air tank?'

.: Mog Chothra is a near-textbook example of an inscrutable, invincible, monster who seems to play by its own rules of physics, has a biological form that makes no natural sense (including and,) and is subject to awe and reverence by the population around it. Ultimately subverted by the of Act I, where it's revealed to be Shay's ship.: The game is divided in two parts. The first half was released in early 2014, and the second half in Spring of 2015.: Mom certainly thinks so; everything on the ship is a cute doll, or a cute living doll.

Shay disagrees.: The Talking Tree tends to get offended to much of what Vella says and does because it's anti-plant. Shay, not quite as much. In fact, one puzzle requires Shay making Tree laugh at a joke. In that Curtis is.well, a wood worker, and Vella's first interaction with the Dialogue Tree is her driving an ax into it to give it a mouth.: It seems that pretty much every component on Shay's ship is sentient, although many of them just make cutesy, unintelligible noises. Even the fusion core starts talking when it's about to go critical.: Vella's grandfather, Grandpa Beastender.

He apparently got it from fighting Mog Chothra.: Dead Eye Dawn and Dead Eye Courtney, even when in their last pre-credits appearance (though we finally see their hair).: Shay's 'Mom' is depicted as a sun with a face.:. Instead of treating the fact that they are sending their young women to be devoured by a monster in exchange for some years of mercy like the tragedy it is, Vella's village treats it like a festive, colorful and joyous occasion. After leaving her Village, Vella finds that all the other villages have the same attitude. Marek: This wolf costume doesn't make itself, you know.: 'OHHH MOG CHOOOTHRAAAAAAAAAA.' .: Shay and Alex evacuated their home planet after it became no longer inhabitable.

Act 2 reveals it was all a lie, they never even left their home planet.: Act Two is this, with the end of the first act leaving the protagonists in the setting of their counterpart: Vella inside the Bossa Nostra and Shay in Shellmound.:. Alex was frozen for 300 years. In Act 2, the yarn buddies in the ice cream mission room are planning to freeze themselves to sleep through whatever is damaging the ship. In the credits, they are shown intact in the middle of the slag that the ship and the other ship melted into.: The village offers up a selection of young maidens for Mog Chothra to choose a sacrifice from, Vella among them, but she is planning to reject that tradition.: The talking trees see humans as murderous psychopaths.: The Thrush, Loruna's ruling elite, are the product of untold centuries of genetic tampering, making them practically unrecognizable as 'human.' Knife: I do.

/: The talking tree Vella meets is named '.: Shay's 'Ice Cream Avalanche' mission.: Between the knife, fork and spoon. Seriously.: Shay's 'Dad' is depicted as a moon with a face.: Shay's story begins with him living under the care of a computer system that has decided much of his life.: The Thrush believe themselves to be this. Their only regard for the people who live beyond the Plague Dam is as for fixing the damage they did to their own genetic and cultural makeup in their pursuit of 'perfection.' .:. M'ggie comments that 'Short things can surprise you' when she gives Vella her ladder. Vella echoes her words when she uses the ladder to pry open Mog Chothra's mouth, rendering it vulnerable to Alex's death ray.

Vella really knows how to turn a mundane line of dialogue into a badass one-liner. Besides the above point, when she escapes from Mog Chothra the first time she says a variant of the phrase she used to trick her grandfather into revealing where he hid the ceremonial knife not long before. 'Hey, Mog Chothra! Why don't we split this cupcake? You can have the bottom half!' .:.

Vella's people were once proud warriors who'd fight the Mogs, but now they're mostly known for their baking. So, it makes sense that her full name is 'Velouria '. Mom's name is Hope. A Fitting name considering the goal of their assigned mission, Project Dandelion. Act 2 reveals that the kindly old lady from Sugar Bunting, Lavina, is actually a Lorunan agent named Celavina whose mission was to dissuade the Badlanders from rising up against their masters by convincing them their current way of existence, however horrible, is the best possible. This is a play on the French expression 'C'est la vie' ('This is life'), indicating an acceptance of things as they are.: The old lady who's been organizing the sacrifices in Sugar Bunting for many years is revealed to be from the same 'superior' caste in Loruna as Marek and his superior.

It's implied that figures like her have worked to condition the people to accept the sacrifices for a long time.: This is Carrol's theory on how the mogs reproduce.: The aforementioned computer system that takes care of Shay is highly overprotective and controlling. Though he seems to believe she does it from a place of love, she refuses to let him be placed in any sort of danger at all. Even the spikes he falls into are made of rubber.

Act 2 reveals she doesn't even have the excuse of being a computer program. She really is Shay's mom, and simply continues to treat him like a little child.: In Act 2, Vella does not know what is in the ice cream but does not want to eat it.

Act 1 - ShaySpacehip- You are sleeping in bed.- Click anywhere to wake up.- Soon you are eating breakfast and can choose what to eat. Choose whatever you want, it will have no effect on the game.- Pick up the spoon.- Use the spoon with cereal.- Soon you are put into emergency training. There are four scenarios to choose from: avalanche, runaway train, defending the ship, and foreign body on the hull.

You can choose whatever you want in any order.- What needs to be done is as follows. Avalanche: use the spoon to eat the ice cream to free the victims. Runaway train: click on the mountain to lower the tongue bridge. Defending the ship: just talk to the crew to get a hug. Foreign body on the hull: walk right and pull the plant, you will get a present.- Opening the present will give a grabbing robot.- You may need to do these missions for a short while, and have a sleep in between. As you may notice, doing these is repetitive and boring, which is exactly how Shay feels too.

The goal is, therefore, to have something else entirely happening.- When doing the runaway train mission, click twice on the mountain, first to extend the bridge and then retract it. The mission will fail. You will meet a strange wolf who gives you a weird little screwdriver and tells you to meet him secretly later.- Click anywhere to leave the bed. Walk right.- Pick up a tank of compressed air.- Walk further to the right and see an air vent near the floor level.- Use the screwdriver to open the vent.- Pick up an inflatable raft of some kind.- Use the compressed air with the raft to inflate it.- The raft is actually a blowup doll of yourself. Go back to the bed and place the doll on the bed. Now you can wander anywhere undetected.- Enter through the air vent and see a part of ship where you have never been before.

You will have a talk with the wolf called Marek.- After the conversation, you need to take a star chart to the navigation room.- Go left and crawl through a hole in the wall.- Give star chart to the Space Weaver and return to Marek.- You need to perform a rescue mission. First lower the shields by pushing the blinking button. After that, you need to guide the boom arm to grab ahold of the rescued people.

You also need to position the arm so that it can reach the people who are marked on the screen.- After rescuing a couple of people, you need to retreat. A short conversation with Marek follows.- Next, you will have another star chart. Take it to the Space Weaver like the one before. Return to Marek and you get to save more people just like you did before.- Soon the ship will be under attack and you return to bed. After a short while you can explore again, so go back to Marek.- Talk to Marek and learn what needs to be done in order to gain manual control of the ship.- Return through the vent to the bedroom.

Instead of going to the left, go through the door to the right.- Keep on walking and enter the second door you will encounter, which will lead you to the kitchen.- Pick up the knife that is in the front left corner and then exit back to the hallway.- Walk right to the control room. There are two doors on the right, a green door and a blue door. Enter through the blue door.- This is the hallway that leads to emergency training mission rooms. First enter the ice cream avalanche room.- Pick up the whipped cream gun on the right side of the room, and then go back to the hallway.- Go further right and enter the next door which leads to the hug room. Pick up a hook from the back of the hug toy.