
Archeblade Game Spotlight

Hi I'm Gray Wolf Gaming but you can call me Gray Wolf I'm 23 and I love to play video games I will be uploading gameplay of video games old and new so feel f. Archeblade - third person MOBA Gameplay 2013. SMITE (Free MOBA Game.

Originally posted by:Panzar, doesn't get the advertising it deserves.really loving the game.i think its worth a lot of people's time.download the european client.:).enjoy That game is p2w at its finest. It even has a level up button in the main menu for those who are to lazy to actually 'play to level'. People who buy runes/amulets with real money will always have the edge over those who dont because of how long it takes the 'non payers' to farm the materials to make/buy amulets etc.

A place to talk about, analyze, recommend and create puzzle games. Check out ourPuzzle Game Design and Theory.Related Subreddits:.

point and click games. solving logic puzzles. two-player combinatorial gamesGUIDELINES: EVERYONE:is welcome to everyone, regardless of age, gender, gender identity and expression, religion, nationality, race, sexual orientation, disability and physical appearance. Please do not use harmful language and respect your fellow redditors. Try not to steer the conversation too far from puzzle games.

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Give us reasons why you like it. What makes the game unique or interesting?. If someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome, please message the moderator(s).DEVELOPERS:. Post work-in-progress titles to the 'Upcoming Releases' thread to be featured there (or if it's archived message the moderator(s)). As a general rule, only post a game that we can play: a demo or released game. Make it clear that you are the developer. You may add 'Dev' to the beginning of a post's title, or simply say so in the main body, if it's a text post, or in the comments, if it's a link.

Please describe the game you are posting about. Tell us why you made the game and why we should play it.

,540000000,13,null,null,'7','Justin Bell',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Shaitzzey',null,2,null,null,null,'you guys ud83dude18','Im so glad that Kairosoft is making new types of games everytime. You have to press quite a distance away from the actual buttons for it to register the clicks. Uncomfortable to play.' ,719000000,7,null,null,'7','A Google user',null,null,2,null,null,null,'Bell',null,2,null,null,null,'mode not working on HTC 10. I'd like to see this fixed so I can continue enjoying their games.' Kairosoft wiki.

For example, what makes your game special? What's your hook?.

Please don't spam, or you will be banned. This isn't free advertising.

It's a place to discover new puzzle games and highlight the developers who make them. Please post if you genuinely think the community will enjoy it. In other words, don't post in bad faith.YOUTUBERS/TWITCHERS:.

Only post something that contributes to the conversation: video essay, design analysis, let's analyze, etc. Let's plays or streams will no longer be allowed. The spotlight is now on Supraland, which was voted!,Subreddit:From the website: Supraland is a First-Person Metroidvania Puzzle game. The main sources of inspiration are Zelda, Metroid and Portal. Supraland assumes that you are intelligent and lets you play independently. The story is minimal, gives you an overarching goal to pursue, and then sets you free. Playtime: 15-30hIf you've played the game, please tell us your thoughts on it!

What did you like, and what did you dislike about it?. Most people I read seem to think the combat was easy, not hard.

I felt it was too easy, but maybe I have above average twitch. Or, maybe I found the weapon upgrades that make it easier.Early on, you'll get the red macguffin, AKA your gun. With that, you can shoot everything at range, although you might need to dodge. But even if you get hit, red fruit is plentiful. Before long, you'll find various chests with upgrades to the gun's damage, crit, etc., and besides that are all the other ways you can kill things (shooting supraballs at them, dropping the cube on their heads, etc.).

Bad north trailer. Can you defend against a Viking horde and lead the exodus of your people? Bad North, the charming but brutal real-time tactics roguelite by Plausible Concept and Raw Fury, is available now on the. Www.badnorth.com Bad North is a charming but brutal real-time tactics roguelite. Defend your idyllic island kingdom against a horde of Viking invaders, as you lead the desperate exodus of your people.

Did you get to the gun yet? Or did you find it to be insufficient?Also, how much searching did you do for chests and coins in hiding places? This could have a significant effect on your ability to deal with skellingtons and tougher foes.

I find the game did a good job of keeping combat separate from puzzles - the toughest puzzles were tucked in areas with few spawn points. (Oh, and you eventually get the ability to destroy those, too.). I've played suprland quite a bit and agree that combat isn't the main focus of the game. For my first play through the ennemies kept me alert and meant I always made sure to clear areas and look for chests to make combat easier which was very effective. On the next playthroughs though the ennemies became more of a nuissance and I just avoided them. However when I tried speed running the game the combat aspect of it made it much more interesting and for me that's where the combat really shines, it means you have to be more careful of your surroundings whilst going as fast as possible.Tl,dr:Combat is the most fun when trying to speed run the game otherwise it comes down to personal preference in puzzle games. After a couple of hours I've come to the point where lacking performance, janky controls and the overall camera (like how it takes away control to focus on certain things) is causing severe motion sickness.

If not for that, I'd give it another few hours probably, as there is some potential for interesting puzzles and/or riddles later on. That said, I found the first hours lacking so I doubt it would change my opinion on the game greatly.The promise and focus of the game seems to be metroidvania puzzling, which is a concept I can get behind given how much I liked Toki Tori 2.

I'll assume that platforming and combat were not a big focus because they're both rather basic / detrimental. The puzzles are at the heart of the game, but for the first hour or two there's very little going on.

Tutorial puzzles don't have to be auto pilot deals, but these all are: the logic is rarely any more complicated than on the level of 'see place to put cube, put cube there'. Look at Snakebird, Hiding Spot, or Portal to see tutorial puzzles done well - simple rules that still manage to challenge you in interesting ways as you learn. Maybe if there wasn't a bunch of mediocre platforming, exploration and combat as filler in between each substantial puzzle, it would work. I dislike the pacing of the puzzles, but that may just be the pacing of the game at large.In games that don't involve an execution element you can even get away with doing a lot of tutorialization because once the player gets something they can essentially skip it by inputting the solution. Most 3D puzzle games (as well as puzzle platformers for example) don't have the luxury of this, you have to execute the solution and it takes more time to just see and process all the different elements.

A single glance at an easy level in Puzzlescript and you can start inputting the solution, solving it in maybe 10 seconds if there's no complications. Here, not only is there a lot of mediocre other elements that distract from the puzzling, but each puzzle also takes up a lot more time. They really need to be stronger than they are here, whether they get better later on or not (Talos does get better later, but I still think the slow start drags the game down).Then, the metroidvania portion. I think on a technical level it does qualify as a metroidvania, but not a good one at all. It has utility gates, it has some slight non-linearity in its open map, and it has some platforming.

Doing it well would involve proper navigation across areas, looping levels, an interconnected map, utility gates that bring variety to backtracking, etc. It doesn't do anything with utility upgrades in terms of sequence breaking, repeating sections with and without powers, or building a great moveset piece by piece to not overwhelm the player. They're there because they wanted the game to be a metroidvania, not because the game actually benefits from the dynamics.Then the exploration is straight forward, some shortcuts but no focus on looping around with new upgrades or anything, you access one linear portion of the map at a time like Metroid 2. Platforming and environmental riddles are rudimentary, acting more as a checkbox than a challenge or development on the gameplay. Buying double jump lets you double jump over a big gap to some coins in the middle of the first area. So at first I thought Supraland looked like an asset flip, I admit.

But once I saw David Munnich's name, I knew I would be in for a treat. If you're unfamiliar with Notpron, I'd suggest trying it until you feel stuck, and looking into the solutions if you can't get any further - It's definitely not for everyone, it's an interesting piece of internet cryptography puzzling not too unlike modern ARGs.Supraland definitely hit the main notes I was expecting - emergent puzzle design and weird easter eggs. Weird not in a bad way, but in I guess like most easter eggs tend to be. It never felt too out of place given the immediately-revealed setting of the game being in a sandbox.I really like the beam puzzles the most, I felt like those gave me the most freedom to experiment and felt less obvious in their design. I particularly like the electricity anvil puzzle that's right past the soccer/football field (the one that needs like 3 anvils total) and the box on the slide in the blue kingdom. I think the game really picked up once I got the beam as well - before that a lot of puzzles felt very portal-esque with specific switches being pressed and boxes being placed, but I didn't often feel challenged by those puzzles.I wasn't a fan of the combat, and I never finished the Wave-defense challenge in the postgame because it felt really clunky.

Maybe the engine would be fine for some sort of arena FPS but sometimes the combat felt like it was developed less than the puzzle mechanics. I think with a bit more work or a bit more interesting enemies and combats it could be made better.