
The Digestive System For Kids

Follow Nat Geo Kids as we take a journey down through the human digestive system to find out where our grub goes! The human digestive system. It takes around 24 hours for your dinner to wind its way through the nine-metre-long digestive tract.On its trip, it’s mixed with acids and digestive. The digestive system is made up of the alimentary canal (also called the digestive tract) and other organs, such as the liver and pancreas. The alimentary canal is the long tube of organs — including the esophagus, stomach, and intestines — that runs from the mouth to the anus.

Digestive System FactsThe human digestive system consists of several organs responsible for the conversion of nutrients into the body, and for ridding the body of waste. It begins in the mouth where the salivary glands produce salvia to break down food. The digestive system also includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. Each of these organs plays an important role in the digestion of food.

The digestive system is also often referred to as the gastrointestinal tract, or GI tract. In the human body, the entire digestive system is approximately 30 feet long.Interesting Digestive System Facts:The mouth is where digestion begins.

The salivary glands produce saliva even from the smell of food.Saliva contains an enzyme called salivary amylase which breaks down the starch in food. Saliva also makes it easier for the food to be swallowed once it has been chewed.Once swallowed, food passes through the esophagus, becoming a small round ball. At this point the process of digestions becomes involuntary. The digestive system essentially 'takes it from here'.As food leaves the esophagus small muscular contractions help the food to continue its journey.

These contractions are called peristalsis. The food then lands in the stomach.In the stomach, pepsin and hydrochloric acid begin to break down proteins in food and also (tries to) kill off any dangerous bacteria in food.IN the stomach food becomes a paste called chyme. The pyloric sphincter valve at the bottom of the stomach opens and allows the chyme to enter the duodenum.In the duodenum the chyme gets mixed with bile from the gallbladder and enzymes from the pancreas.

It moves on to the small intestine.The small intestine is approximately 20 feet long. It's in the small intestine where most of the nutrients from the food will be absorbed.

As nutrients leave the small intestine they are absorbed into the bloodstream.The nutrients in the bloodstream are absorbed by the liver and changed into glycogen and proteins and sent back into the bloodstream. Unwanted waste is filtered in the liver and passed from the body as waste.Any material left from the small intestine is passed into the large intestine. The large intestine is approximately five feet long. Indigestible matter is fermented and stored here. The large intestine is also referred to as the colon.The matter in the large intestine becomes feces as it ferments and some water is absorbed back into the body.At the end of the digestive system is the rectum and anus, where waste from the body is pushed out.When problems in the digestive system occur a person can suffer from a variety of illnesses and symptoms including pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, heartburn, trouble swallowing, nausea, and vomiting.Research is beginning to prove that the bacteria in the intestines are extremely important to human health. An overgrowth of the wrong type of bacteria can lead to a variety of health issues, even those that do not seem like they are related to the digestive system at all.Related Links:Digestive System Facts.

We all know that we need to eat food to survive, but how does our body take that big bowl of cereal or delicious apple and turn it into energy?

To answer that, we’ll have to take a deep dive into our body’s digestive system.

Let’s get right to it!

As you can see, the digestive system is made up of a ton of parts! Most of these organs are located in the middle of your torso.

They work as a team to break down your food so into useful nutrients that your body can use, and each organ has its own part to play.


The esophagus is the food highway that takes your dinner from your mouth down into your stomach so that digestion can begin.


Aside from telling us when we are hungry or when we are full, the stomach plays an important part in the digestion of food.

It is filled with powerful acids that break down the food into smaller pieces.


The liver creates different enzymes to help process food nutrients that are collected in the small intestine.

Gall Bladder

The gallbladder is a storage unit for all of the bile and enzymes created by the liver. It stores them until they are needed for digestion.


The liver doesn’t have to create enzymes alone! The pancreas is there to help. It also makes enzymes to help break down food within the small intestine.

Small Intestine

The main job for the small intestine is to absorb nutrients and minerals from food. In fact, 90% of food absorption takes place here, making it our main digestion location.

Large Intestine

This is the final destination for your food before it leaves your body as waste.

In the large intestine, any water used during digestion is reabsorbed, which causes the leftovers to harden.

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The rectum is your food’s ticket out of the body as waste.

How Food Turns Into Energy

Digestion starts the moment that you take your first bite.


The saliva (spit) in your mouth begins breaking down food while you chew.

From there, after you swallow your food and it travels down the esophagus into your stomach, it is broken down further by the stomach acids.

It is then passed to your small intestine, where most of the digestion occurs.

This process takes about six to eight hours to be completed.

Once all of the nutrients have been absorbed in the small intestine, the leftovers are moved onto the large intestine for any excess water to be removed.

Afterwards, the leftovers are expelled from the body as waste.

Digestive System Fast Facts

Here are some interesting facts about our digestive system!

It takes about seven seconds for food to travel from your mouth to your stomach.

A woman’s small intestine is longer than a man’s.

Your stomach acid would be able to dissolve metal.

If you stretched out your whole digestive system, it would be 29 feet long.

Your mouth acts like a fridge or a microwave, depending on the food you are eating, helping to heat or cool the food till it is just right for your body.