
The Banner Saga 2 Trophy Guide

2020-3-31  The Banner Saga 2 is (obviously) the second instalment in the full Banner Saga. As such, your decisions, and any of the characters you saved from death, carry over from the first game. It is highly recommended that you play The Banner Saga first, as the story is a direct continuation. (It's also a damned good game, so.) Main Walkthrough.

Complete the game without letting anyone in your caravan die to hunger.Out of the two, this one is easier to fail, since generally it's supplies that go out first and only then morale drops uncontrollably. The most difficult part for this achievement is in the timeframe during (and after) the chasm. Do not dump supplies if you're low, otherwise you would be in a very tough spot. If you load your TBS1 save, there's a high probability that you'll have lots of supplies from the very beginning. If that's the case, you're set for the rest of the game, all thanks to the addition of clansmen forage.

Complete the game without ever getting low morale.Don't let your morale drop below normal. This means you should have great or good morale at all times in case of sudden morale drop from a random event.

Only your creativity sets the limits.You are competing against other real players, trying to rise to the next division. Rover builder got.

Similarly, morale boosts from the very same events are your friends. It's mostly tied to quartermaster goal this time, you can't keep people happy while they die of hunger, but for morale, you have a larger time window to fix everything even if things went wrong. If you imported the save and it has lots of supplies, once again, you're set for the rest of the game. One small exception: if your import save has poor or weak morale, this will follow through and you'll be denied a chance of getting this achievement from the very beginning (yeah, that's what happened to me). Prevail with Rook against overwhelming numbers.Right after the tutorial Rook gets another battle: him alone against the horde of dredge. You have to win in this battle.

Sounds scary, but it's not that hard. You need to do something similar to. Rook is not faster than dredge, however, you have 3 advantages. 1: you have ranged attack. 2: you move more often.

3: you can plan ahead. Look which dredge moves next. You need to be outside its full move radius (will included) + 1. Diagonals are fine, but you can't finish your turn in a turn adjacent to its move radius. But before making a move, check the next dredge in order. You need to move in direction where you won't be hit immediately afterwards, but will have freedom to move to a spot where you won't be hit a turn after that.

Careful planning gets you far. Dredge numbers are their main weakness, this means only one thing.

DO NOT KILL THE DREDGE. Not until you can dispatch all of them with one hit for each. Do not finish off summoning dredge, either - the more of them, the easier is your task. The only dredge you actually want to kill is the slinger: its ranged attack limits your mobility, and it has a special that goes through armour, and you really need all the strength you have. Kill 5 in one turn with Cull the Weak.Laughably easy on easy, quite easy on normal, requires some preparations on hard. Do not finish the enemies, either break their armour or leave them on low strength, the latter is more preferable. After everyone is in cull radius, do the clean-up.

Please note that this achievements appears to be bugged and does not always trigger when you fulfil the requirements. During the main missions I did not get it after I culled the entire board, but the same in training camp worked as intended. Maintain an alliance with Rugga.Do not make Rugga mad too much. Do so in moderation. I'm not exactly sure about the size of that window, so be careful. By the text I also noticed that he's way more hostile to Rook than to Alette, but no idea if it actually affects anything.

Stuff Rugga does not appreciate: crashing your ships against the barricade on the river; falling for burning village trap on the river; attempting to throw Rugga in the chasm; following the stone markers at the swamp; at the town assaulted by dredge and horseborn - splitting forces and/or charging to save Oddleif or not following with his grand scheme against the dredge; insulting him in the face. Build an army of over 600 trained fighters.The fighters are. TBS2 has less than 5 WAR! Events, and you should never lose those anyway. Training fighters requires time, they do nothing useful, if the game is to be believed, are consuming more supplies than clansmen, and they do not forage. Considering the value your clansmen bring with their forage, especially towards Quartermaster and High Spirits achievemnts, the only time you should train fighters is when the game forces you to do so as part of the tutorial (choose to train 50).

What you should do is this: when you have enough clansmen to reach 600 fighters when you train them, do so at the beginning of a new chapter or right after a godstone, then load a save. Kill a Sundr.Defeat Eyeless for the second time, but it's not the end! The game will ask you if you want to go for the second wave to finish her off, accept. There are two really easy ways to do this. First: cast Zefr's wind on Bolverk, which will allow him to move across the entire board to finish her off in one turn with his double-strike.

Second: use Dytch (Tracker) for stealth mode, move to Eyeless' body while invisible and finish her off after a few turns when there're no dredge around or they won't get a turn before Dytch's second turn. You'll need two hits = two turns! Acquire 3 rank 10 items.Items spawning in shops is more or less random, and unlike the first game, you can't find items of max rank during your journey, your only option is to buy them. All rank 10 items cost 20 renown, some shops may have more than one at once. Of course, items bought as Bolverk also count, so use that to your advantage.Edit: 'As Bolverk, right after the godstone Bygglaerer you will encounter a event saying you find a pit. If you send someone down there you will get a rank 10 Clasp of Kyn.'

(credit to Venceremos). With 6 Rank 10 units, win a Hard difficulty sparring battle in the Training Tent.Okay, I consider this the most difficult achievement in the game, so I'll describe this one more thoroughly.This boils down to this: you need to get 510+ renown on your Skogr party. With a very specific list of characters. With a time limit.

Forget him, he is not going to help you with this one.First about the time limit. There's only one deadline set in stone: meeting camp in Arberrang, but your character roster may bring it closer.

If a character leaves earlier than you get this achievement, your renown on that character was basically wasted. For example, choosing Ludin and Yrsa for your 'elite 6' sets your deadline to right before arrival to Arberrang instead of the meeting camp. Choosing Eyvind and Iver brings that down even earlier - to arrival to the fishing village, and so on.Then the renown itself.

How to maximize your renown? Battles, of course! Almost every main-plot related (set in stone) map event has a way to start a battle, and battles give a lot of renown.

In battles, you should let summonner dredge (big dredge with fork-like weapons and small dredge slingers that throw black crystals) do their thing, more corpses = more renown. In battles with a specific win condition (usually kill specific minion), kill all other enemies first. Spend renown only on 'elite 6' units and units from Bolvark party. Do not buy items or supplies as Skogr party. Try to get renown from random events if possible.Note that you don't have to play on Hard to get this achievement, you can just switch to Hard before clicking on the training tent.There are some tricks that may make this easier.- first playthrough bonus;- suboptimal party bonus;- horseborn solution;- import solution. Horseborn solutionYou abuse the game.In the woods there's yet another town assaulted by horseborn.

You may intervene or you may go forward. Obviously, you should check it out.Prerequisite: 1 character with very high strength and at least moderate armour; item with 1 strength damage resistance or better; item with 1 will per turn OR item with 3 will on rest.Resistance item goes to your damage dealer, will item goes to Eyvind.The battle is a bunch of horseborn with a huge horseborn leader. The battle ends when you finish off the leader. What happens if you kill all other horseborn before that? Endless horseborn. PETA will want to kill you, though. Oddleif also would not approve if it was scripted.You get 3 other horseborn in your party by default.

Just throw them on the big guy, you need to get him on low strength so he wouldn't be able to do anything to your main fighter. They have low armour, so other enemies will target them first, and for the better. Once they're all dead, there will only two of your units left: your fighter in the front and Eyvind in the back. Fighter kills horseborn. Eyvind mends his armour.

You need str resistance item because enemies have at least 2 skills that do direct strength damage: javelin throw and stampede. They do just 1, so resist basically negates all str damage. And Eyvind repairs the break damage.Repeat until you are satisfied. If you want to calculate how many kills you need beforehand, every kill gives 2 renown.Any unit with high stregth will do for the job.

Tempest ability does wonders, but be careful: characters with tempest usually have 'damage adjacent units for 1' passive, so you should be careful not to kill the chieftain earlier than you want.

The PlayStation Trophies Subreddit.PS4 Community:'.Subreddit Discord:.Setting user flair:Auto-updating is no longer available.Related Links.(Most Popular: Trophy Guides ).(Most Popular: PSN ID Trophy Tracker ).(See all your platinums in one image. ).(Most Popular: Walkthroughs ).(Known for: Leaderboards ).(Known for: TrueAchievements.com ).(Known for: Leaking Trophies Pre-release ).(Known for: Being user editable.

)Subreddits PlayStationNetworkOtherPlayStation: - -Legacy Platforms: -Spoiler GuideFor simple spoilers, use the following formatting: Spoiler(#s 'The La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo!?' )It will look like this:To use labeled spoilers, you can put a prefix before the word spoiler to add context like the following example: Red Dead Spoiler(#s 'Dastardly!!!' )It will look like this:Other.Old IRC Chat:.If you end up stuck in the spam filter, just. To get all 3 platinums, you'll need to carry your save through from BS1 to BS2 and then from BS2 to BS3. Similar to how your choices matter in the Mass Effect trilogy.BS1 -Do 3 playthroughs. Ensure that you set difficulty at the start menu, not during the game.

Do not change your difficulty at all.Use this guide -First run on Normal.Second run on Hard.Third run on Easy. However, don't level up your characters at all on Easy. Accumulate enough renown to level up 6 units to level 5. Before levelling up, save your file by uploading to cloud/copy to USB. Then change difficulty to hard and complete Master Tactician trophy.

It's much easier to get this trophy on an easy run. After, revert your save back to before using your renown. Complete the game once more, remember to not level up, don't kill any characters (except Onef/Ekkill), save the dredge baby and at the end, you'll have around 550+ renown for BS2.BS2 -Using imported Easy save file from BS1, complete your first run on normal with Rook. As you have a shitload of renown, you can quickly level up 6 characters to Level 10 and get Master Tactician again. Both save your file before changing difficulty and revert back to save after getting this trophy.

Then complete game as usual.Complete second run on Hard with Alette. Once Alette acquires her Overwatch ability (Rank 3) and Solvi's Method artifact (pushback), she is unstoppable. Also, choose Tempest for Iver when he levels up. Be patient with Bolverk's sections. It's a slog as his caravan is underlevelled throughout the game.

Ensure that you save Apostate, the dredge stonesinger, in the mines. For the conclusion, make sure to align with King MeinholfBS3 -Start a new game with Rook (don't bother to import save).

Play till end of first chapter and get Shipped trophy. Then ditch him. You won't need to play him again.Import Alette's save from BS2.Complete first run on Hard. Focus on Finish Strong, Fighting to Live, Warmonger and Looter trophies.Use these hero combinations - Alette with Overwatch, Solvi's Method (from BS2) and Bloodletter Heroic Title. Use Aleo's Tale Worth Telling on her too.

And heroes like Petrus, Egil, Gudmundr to form shield walls to protect her.For Iver's caravan, use only him and Apostate together. Apostate will spam umbrage at far corner of map. Iver will then sit around until his strength is past 25. Also ensure that Iver has Divert, Hunker Down, Artery Strike, Stubborn and Dodge talents.

This will prevent his armor from decreasing once umbrage takes effect and if enemies decide to hit him. His Tempest ability from BS2 will wipe out 2-3 enemies simultaneously in one turn. As you only have 2-3 characters on the field, umbrage will buff up Iver's strength a lot faster. Also use Eywind's Mend ability if required.Problem with BS3 is that a lot of trophies are mutually exclusive, forcing multiple playthroughs.I estimate you'd have to play through the game at least 5 times. However, BS3 is fairly short.Here are a list of trophies (using Alette) that will require their own playthrough. Also make your next run on Normal for Normal Difficulty trophy and then further runs on Easy.Scrape By (Use import save, only if you did not save Apostate, the dredge stonesinger in BS2.

Otherwise, start new game) - Finish game with 15 or less characters. Both caravans however must stay alive.

Combine this run with Dredge Slayer trophy. Remember to lose the final battle. And DO NOT return to Arberrang for a 5th time.Guided (Start new game.

No import) - Finish game with everyone. No one can die except for Rook/Alette. Combine this run with Dredge Lover, Talk It Out, Keep It Together, Young Love and We Made It trophies.

Return to Arberrang at least 3 times during Chapter 21 and then win final battle.Bat Out of Hel (Use import save for more days) - Complete Chapter 21 only returning to Arberrang once. Combine this run with Restless trophy too.The other trophies can be simply acquired through replaying one of the chapter autosaves.