
Solforge Daily Rewards

SolForge recently patched in tournaments and I gave them a bit of a spin over the weekend. A constructed tournament costs 3 event tickets to join and a draft tournament costs 7 event tickets. Stone Blade Entertainment is raising funds for SolForge Digital Trading Card. In regards to the 'Daily Rewards reset'; I am, in the words of Phil Robertson,.

We recently updated the ways in which players earn daily rewards.Now players can earn three different rewards per day, from:Daily Log-inFirst Win of the DayThird Win of the DayAlso your First Online Win of the day will get you an Event Ticket and every other Online after that (Up to 20) will earn you some Silver.The daily win rewards (Excluding the Online Win rewards) can be earned playing against either human or AI opponents – you just have to be logged in at the time that you win.These rewards reset 22 hours after you earn them, and they each reset individually. For instance, if you log on at noon, and then win your first game at 12:30 and your third at 2 PM, your rewards will reset at 10 Am, 10:30 AM, and noon the folllowing day.We're still testing our reward system and making tweaks to get it right, so we welcome any feedback you may have. The problem with setting fixed hour resets is all the other timezones.

Think about it, say they make it reset in the USA at 12:01 PM. That would be 6:01 PM in England, 1:01 AM in China and 10:31 PM in India. Which ever timezone you pick, someone is getting screwed.An hourly reset based on when you get them is the best way to do it IMO. Especially when you make it less than 24 hours. This way I can login at noon one day and then tomorrow login at 10:00AM and still get my reward or whenever. You can essentially designate a set time that you are going to play SolForge a day.

If you have time before work, you can play it everyday before work or whenever.I guess I don't understand the problem people are having.it's not that hard. If you logged in at 1:10 PM, played for 2 hours, won some lost some and then stopped at 3:10 PM. Then that means you can get your login reward as early as 11:11 AM and your daily wins at 1:10 PM.

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You just need to remember when you started playing and when you finished playing. Originally posted by:Well, that totaly needs me to log in into the game, every day, at the same time.

I feel very unconfortable with this approach, just saying.There are plenty of games that just reset at a fixed time. Who cares if it is 0:00 or 15:00? As long as you know when it happens all is good.That's not true, though. You don't have to login at the same time every day in order to receive rewards. You can login up to 2 hours earlier and anytime later and still receive them. If you log in earlier than that, you'll miss your reward for that day (unless you also login briefly later to earn them), but then the next day you'll have a reward waiting for you no matter what time you login.then you're timer will adjust to that new time.It's no different than if the reset was a fixed time and you logged in an hour before reset.

Same result there. This way, no one has to deal with the reset time being at an inconvenient time due to their work schedule or time zone every day. It adjusts to your needs.:).

May be the same result on paper for you. Not for me tho. I usually play once a day but at drastically different times due to my RL times being differently every day. I would loose out on a reward every other day. This would no happen if it was a fixed 24hour interval, since i alway log in once every 24hours but it might only be 12hours since my last login.And as i said: It just does not feel good this way. It feels not like fun and that is what a game is about for me.

Of corse this is just my opinion and it is up for the devs what they want to do. I simply hope they change the current system, as i dislike it greatly. If not, oh well. Nothing i can do about it.

(1) How many free cards will I get per week?If you collect all of your daily rewards, you will get around 154 free cards per week, including 10 heroics and 1-2 legendaries. The math is below. This includes the average silver of 1235.5 converted to basic booster packs.Common = 96.9 cardsRare = 46.4 cardsHeroic = 9.9 cardsLegendary = 1.4 cardsYou can get 3-7 booster packs a day just for logging in and playing a few games. That is from your 3 boosters for completing the 3 daily rewards, and then enough extra 'Silver' in those rewards to buy more booster packs if you please. You also have a chance at getting a 'Premium' pack for free as a daily reward, which comes with multiple guaranteed Heroic and Legendary cards.If you spend no money, you won't be competitive with established players overnight, but you can gradually build a collection over time and be competitive.(2) How do you earn Silver and collect daily rewards?Currently you earn Silver and a random Card/Pack from daily activities. They are as follows: (1) Logging in, (2) winning your first game, (3) winning your third game. The games you play may be against human opponents or against the AI – you just have to be playing online.(3) When do Daily Rewards reset?The rewards reset 22 hours after you earn them, and they each reset individually.

For instance, if you log on at 3:00pm, and then win your first game at 4:00pm and your third at 5:00pm, your rewards will reset at 1:00pm, 2:00pm, and 3:00pm the following day(4) Can I collect my daily rewards by battling the AI on easy mode?Yes, you can take your best deck, set the AI to easy mode, and kill it 3 times in a row super fast to collect your '3 wins of the day' reward. The only requirement is that you be 'online' and connected to the internet.(5) Why don’t they give more rewards past winning your 3rd game?They've said that they don’t give silver for every game played since they don’t want to make the game feel like a grind. Instead, they give you a day’s worth of rewards up front. Also, they are in the process of implementing a ranking system, achievements, and tournaments within the next month or so, giving lots of incentives to keep practicing and playing.There will be other things other than basic packs and skins to spend Silver on in the future, but not normal or premium packs. They haven't disclosed yet what it will be. Originally posted by:How do you calculate that value?Well, this link tells you how the game processes rewards and cards generation.

You would need to do a little math though to figure out the exact chance base on the order of processing.So you first figure out the average chance of getting certain packs per reward, the average amount of silver per reward (divide by 900 for average number of additional basic packs), and multiply that by 21 (3.7). Yes it's actually 22 hours but I think 3 rewards per day is more realistic for most of us.Now that you know the average amount of each pack per week, you can add up the gold value and divide it by 260. 260 is used since you are getting it for free so the puchasing bonuses shouldn't be included.The next step is to calculate each of the 4 rarity you get per pack types. Multiply that with the chance of each kind of packs, then add all the cards togetyer. After that you will have the average number of free cards per week. This should be pinned so all the kids screaming 'IT'S PAY TO WIN' can take a good look at how wrong they are. At least you get free cards as a reward, if you go to your local comic/card store to play a card game you'll quickly find out how expensive it gets because you need to buy everything and there are no rewards unless you place well in a tournament (which you still need to pay for to enter).I think the way they have the rewards setup now is perfect, they don't give you too much per day but still enough to make you feel like you should come back the next day for that chance at another booster.I think they have done a great job on the game and making a card game feel very unique.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for SolForge and I hope it does well because it's a great game.